Tag Archives: growth

9.6.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the September 6th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Lifetimes and Lessons

  • Provided that we incarnate from the Light, we are given the opportunity to script our next lifetime
    • We choose what we want to accomplish, how we’re going to do it, who is going to help us along the way, etc.
  • If we incarnate from the Outer Darkness, we carry our “baggage” with us into the next lifetime
    • Traumas, fears, etc
    • This gets in our way
  • If you need help finding your correct path, you can ask your Guides for help
    • Say “Guides, I would please ask for your help in finding the right path that will be to my highest good and provide the most opportunities for knowledge and growth and evolvement, and I ask this in the name of my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and I thank thee”
    • They’ll begin to help you
  • Look at everything that happens to you and try to find the lesson
    • Look for what you can learn from each experience and how you can grow as a result of your experience
    • This helps your Guides help you!
  • This is a place of learning and evolvement, and when you understand this and ask for help from God and your Guides, you’ll get better results
  • Sometimes, we have people placed in our lives to teach us, but it may not be a positive experience



Human Nature

  • As human beings, we’re self-centered
    • We have to be about ourselves… We’re all we have!
    • We need to set boundaries, be honest, and be good examples
  • You have to learn how to balance others and self
    • You should never put anyone before yourself
      • If you sacrifice, you’ll burn out
    • You have to be okay to be able to take care of others
  • It’s a healthy balance of giving and receiving
  • We have to take responsibility for ourselves, our choices, and our actions
    • There are consequences for everything that we do
  • ALL souls are precious to God; there is no one greater or lesser




  • Vortexes spin; they open and they close
  • There are natural ones all over the Earth




  • Daily exercise, like walking or dancing is best
  • Eating a balanced diet is best
    • This means not excluding entire food groups based off of fad diet claims
    • Obviously if you have allergies or sensitivities, then abide by your doctor’s suggestions
  • Hyper-sensitive individuals often need red meat
    • Steak cooked rare or medium rare is best
  • If you truly believe that something is bad for you, then it will be bad for you
    • You’ll manifest what you believe




  • It’s hard being here on the Earth plane!
    • If we’re empathic, we pick up on other peoples’ negative energy
    • Spirits can attach to us and can affect us and influence us
    • There are places where there is a lot of negative energy (due to ley lines or vortexes, perhaps) or it’s really spiritually active, and that can affect us as well
    • The demonic like to mess with us, too
  • Unfortunately, most people don’t have a clue about all of the possibilities
  • The whole point is learning and evolvement



  • Carol’s not afraid of dying, she’s afraid of being injured and not dying
    • Take out your spiritual insurance (the annual prayers) so that you’ll go into the Light
  • Animals go into the Light automatically
    • You can ask the Legion of Pan to ease their pain, or remove their pain, in the name of Jesus Christ
  • People who have near-death experiences come back very psychically in tune



Legion of Pan

  • Pan handles all aspects of nature, living and dying
    • Nature’s archangel, if you will
    • Marigold is Pan’s right-hand woman
  • You can ask the Legion of Pan to help you find a lost dog or cat (in the name of Jesus)
  • If you’re lost in the woods, you can ask the Legion of Pan to help you find your way out (in the name of Jesus)
  • If you have fire ants or cockroaches, you can ask the Legion of Pan to remove them from your dwelling (in the name of Jesus)
    • You can’t ask that they be removed from your yard, because that’s their domain
  • Each specie has a type of guardian angel assigned to protect them, called Devas
    • Devas of dogs, devas of cats, devas of cows, devas of whales, etc.
  • Nature spirits appear as multicolored sparks of light
  • Hunters who gleefully kill and murder animals can have animals attached
    • They’ll have a lot of back pain from where the animals attach in with their little claws
  • If you garden, you can ask the Legion of Pan to help you with your garden and then you donate 20% of the garden to nature as is needed




  • God is intelligence and consciousness
    • That consciousness is aware of you, and (hopefully) you are aware of it
  • The universe is the bloodstream of God
    • Everything you see is a part of God
  • There are 72 different names and aspects of God
  • God is unending; there’s no beginning or end
  • God is infinite
  • God is creator, we are co-creators
  • God is the source of all
    • Our Guides bring us information directly from source
      • They’re our master teachers and comforters
      • They can teach you about anything you want to know, you just have to ask



Spiritual Gifts

  • 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
    • “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”



Jesus Christ



The Dark Side

  • Demons are fallen angels. They’re not people, they’re not entities, they’re fallen angels.
    • They become exactly 180* opposite of what they were as an angel
  • NEVER challenge a demon
    • Command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove whatever is attached to, affecting, or influencing you, your family, your pets, your home, your property, and all that you have domain over and place them into protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ



Past Life Connection

  • If you have any emotional response (positive or negative) to a person, place, or thing then you’ve got a past life connection to it/them

12.5.2014 Session Notes

For the audio for the December 5th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.

Please click here for a PDF version


Hey- you! Have you started to Build Your Authority, yet?



  • Carol brought the HIV virus through a medium in the early years (1986-1987) of her spiritual work
  • The virus explained that it was manmade, that it had been on Earth before, and that its purpose was to teach all other viruses and bacteria how to change their DNA/RNA and how to mutate
    • The virus explained that there will be superbugs and super-viruses that would result out of the HIV teachings
  • Bacteria and viruses are all intelligent, but bacteria aren’t as smart as viruses
  • Carol is capable of putting HIV in stasis through prayer work



  • Carol uses this tool to tap into information
  • It’s the ability to touch into a photograph or writing sample (in ink) to obtain information about the subject
    • The subject can be a person or a place
    • It can’t be an abstract concept like a country, but she can tap into leaders (because they have authority over the country)
  • Psychometry involves “tuning into” the subject’s signature energy frequency and allowing yourself to become one with that energy frequency
  • It’s very helpful to control the rate at which you obtain psychic information
  • Sometimes, the person that Carol is “tapping into” will know that they’re being “tapped into”, but most of the time they aren’t aware of it
  • She’s not tapping into their subconscious, she’s experiencing things firsthand (as the person she’s tapping into)
    • She experiences and can recall minute details, like license plates, locations of hairs or other genetic material, and names
  • Carol also has the gift of being able to see past lives


Blood & Family Curses

  • They don’t necessarily activate at birth, but at an anniversary
  • The person to lay the curse is usually the last one to receive it


Money Matters

  • Carol’s guides have continued to advise her to stay out of the stock market
  • Roth IRA accounts are recommended for money management


Past Lives

  • If you have a strong obsession or drawing to a place or a time period, you had a past life there
  • If you have a strong aversion to a place or a time period, then you probably had a negative experience in your past life there
  • It’s also possible that you have a spirit attached to you from those places, so say the daily lifting to clear yourself
  • For information about releasing past-life traumas, please click here


Names of God

  • There are 72 names of God and 72 different emotions, each name correlating with a different emotion or attribute
  • Each name of God is a different attribute of God
  • Each name has a specific legion that has authority for that particular attribute
  • God didn’t create evil
    • Falling away from God created evil
    • Falling away from God results in becoming the complete opposite of what God intended that aspect to be
  • The more you evolve, the closer to God you become
  • God is simplicity. The complexity of God is that there are many Divine Beings who assist in His work


Knowledge brings Responsibility

  • You can’t play in the Dark and walk in the Light- you have to walk the walk.
  • You don’t need a third party (like a church) to get to God. You’re a child of God, and you have the right to go straight to source


How do you help create spiritual growth of the people around you?

  • You can’t- it’s their right to go in whatever direction they want to
  • It’s wrong to shove our belief systems down others throats
  • The best way for you to help another human being is by showing them an example and walk your talk
  • There are a whole lot of wannabes who will take your money and take you on a path that’s not to your highest good.
    • Sometimes, people have to walk a path that is “wrong” to teach them that it is “wrong”
  • You can say prayers for others
    • You can ask for their highest good, and that they be on their highest path for their most appropriate learning in the name of Jesus Christ
    • If you have their permission, you can do the daily lifting for them



  • If you’re ever given an opportunity and you’re unsure if it’s an opportunity from God or something sent by the dark side, you can say the following prayer
    • God, if this is appropriate for me, I ask that all be opened and that the path be opened for me. If this isn’t appropriate for me, I ask that this be shut down in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • If it’s too good to be true and it doesn’t feel right, shut those opportunities down.
  • If you have more than one opportunity and you’re having trouble deciding, you would say the following prayer:
    • God, I’m having trouble deciding which situation [name your possibilities] I should choose. I would ask that the path that’s to my highest good and to the highest good of all involved become clear. If I am supposed to do [option #1], I ask that all doors be opened to this situation and that all doors to [option #2] be closed. If I’m supposed to do [option #2], I ask that all doors be opened to this situation and all doors to [option #1] be closed. I ask this to be done in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.

11.7.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying notes for the November 7th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you don’t ask for help, in this lifetime or on the other side, you won’t get it. You have to work for everything; you don’t truly learn anything until you experience it yourself.


There are no limitations in God.


Designed and Created by God

  • People lack self-esteem and self-worth
    • We tend to base it on how few mistakes we make, but this is wrong.
    • We are here to make mistakes!!! We learn through our mistakes!
      • Knowingly making mistakes is rebelling, so don’t do that
      • But you can ask your guides to show you where you’re making your mistakes!
        • “I would please ask my guides to show me where I’m making my mistakes. Please be obvious, and please be as gentle as possible. Thank you.”
      • If anyone has an issue with your life and mistakes, remember that it’s none of their business.
  • If we acknowledge that we are created and designed by God and are a part of God, yet still have low self-esteem and self-worth, what does that say about God?
  • God designed each of us individually, just like individual snowflakes
    • No two people are exactly alike, even twins
    • Even in the entire universe, God knows us individually, loves us individually, and has put into place an entire Spirit Community to aid us individually
  • God created us each as a perfect soul, without flaw
    • We incarnate over time, and it is our free will choice whether we go into the Light between incarnations.
      • If we incarnate from the Light, we choose our parents, our body, our lessons, and we put into place protective measures to ensure that we don’t skip our lessons and we learn what we need to learn.
        • You don’t meet your Guides until you incarnate, but you can ask for spiritual beings in Heaven to help you create your lessons. You have to know to ask for help on the other side, though.
        • Incarnating from the Light can still leave you with baggage if you set up lessons out of guilt and try to “overcorrect” the situations. God doesn’t choose our lessons, we do, and we are harsher on ourselves that God ever will be.
      • If you incarnate from the Outer Darkness, you don’t get these opportunities. You may be born into a crippled body or you may end up in the wrong gendered body.
      • Some incarnations are to experience certain situations that are advantageous to our growth.
        • To listen to Carol speak more on this, listen to Part One, from 19:00-22:00
    • We use our free will to make choices. Sometimes, they’re good choices. Sometimes, they’re choices that distort the perfect soul that God created
      • Free will and ego are constantly in battle and constantly trying to balance each other out
        • Ego isn’t created by God, it’s created by man
        • Most of the time, ego is very unhealthy
        • The majority of human beings have too much ego or a lack of ego; they either think too highly of themselves or not highly enough of themselves.
      • When we make mistakes, it usually takes several times for us to make a change.
        • We don’t want to realize that it was our mistakes


Growing When You Cross Over

  • There is spiritual help available to you if you ask for it
    • Ask the appropriate members of God’s Spirit Community, who have authority with what you need, to help you
      • Divine Spirits assist you in gently developing certain attributes. DO NOT just ask for these attributes, or you’ll be given tests to develop it.
        • Patience, wisdom, strength, knowledge, tolerance, maturity
      • Guides bring you help with what you ask for
        • Painting, psychology, mechanics, TV repair
      • Your guides bring you knowledge
      • Angels and their legions have specific purposes
        • Guardian angels, messenger angels, and Archangels all have specific purpose
      • There are opportunities for higher evolvement and higher spiritual learning
        • The absolute key to spiritual evolvement is just to ask
        • Your free will is to ask or not to ask
      • Religion teaches a lot of misinformation about what to expect when you pass, that you’ll be taken directly into Heaven or Hell depending on how you lived. This is just wrong.


Growing In This Lifetime

  • Then you can ask them to teach you. You don’t have to ask big questions, but you do have to get the ball rolling.



  • If people drain your energy, your best bet is to get a carnelian bracelet
  • If a person has the ability to reach out psychically to manipulate you, then you should visualize a door slamming. When you feel them reaching into you psychically, imagine a heavy metal garage door slamming between you and him or her, as hard as you can possibly imagine. They’ll stop messing with you.


The Demonic

  • The dark side is always there to discredit God, destroy faith, and isolate you from truth
  • The dark side will try to get you to take your protections off so that they can do whatever they want to you.
    • They’ll make your cross, pentagram, or Shaddai feel warm, itchy, uncomfortable
      • If the upside-down triangle on your silver Shaddai turns black, you’re under attack or you’re in danger. When you’re no longer under attack or in danger, it will turn silver again.
    • This means you’re in a dangerous place and you should leave immediately


Names of God

  • There are 72 names, and each name represents a different attribute of God
  • Each name of God has a legion of angels with specific authorities and jurisdictions
  • Shekinah is the female aspects of God
  • Shemhamfarash is the name that encompasses all 72 aspects of God
  • We don’t know the true name of God, so we also use “the Unknown Name of God”


God’s Spirit Community

  • The B’Nai Or are the 70 sects of the Great White Brotherhood
    • The B’Nai Or doesn’t remove beings, but they offer protection against negative universal entities


Portals & Vortexes (Part Two, 15:50 – 23:00)

  • Portals transport you from one place to another
    • It’s interdimensional and you can go between different times
    • Portals really do exist! They’re cool and you’re not crazy.
    • Disappearing Cemetery of Biloxi, Mississippi and the Palace at Versailles both have portals
  • Vortexes are spinning energy locations that expand and contract