Prayer Reminders

It is of the utmost importance to note that you have the authority to pray for yourself, your home and property, your pets, and any of your children under the age of 13. If you wish to pray for someone else, including any of your children 13 and over, you must first obtain their permission, so as not to impede on their ability to exercise their free will. Simply asking if you can keep them in your prayers is sufficient. When praying for someone else, always use their full address (street name, city, and state).


Important note: As a rule, you should not do more than one healing prayer per day, on yourself or a person you have permission to pray for. Sudden changes within the body can be hard on the body, so more than one of these prayers per day could be harmful. Also, it is important NOT to do healing work before scheduled surgeries or medical intervention, as serious complications can arise.

3 thoughts on “Prayer Reminders”

  1. This is an important post for me as I have been Praying during the past night and have my Son to do so also, for my 35 year old Daughter, who I feel sure is possessed by her father who died in 1990. She asked me last week to Pray that she would pass her e

  2. exams in nursing school. However, I don’t believe she is ready to give up her dad, even though I feel that if he is allowed to stay with her, he will destroy her and her 5 children’s lives because I think his insatiable appetite for sex is receiving gratification through her. After reading your above message, I see that I have no right to interfere with her free will. Something seems determined that I will not send this message.

    1. Hi shirlashar,

      Since she gave you permission to pray for her, you do have permission to say the lifting. Carol recommends saying a full lifting over your daughter for best results!

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