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  • When worn as a solid band around the middle finger of the left hand, or as a bracelet worn bead-to-bead around the left wrist, carnelian protects you from losing your energy to people who drain you (psychic vampires).
  • Carol calls this her “Wal-Mart” bracelet, as it allows sensitive people to go out in crowds without feeling drained and exhausted after.
  • When worn with obsidian, it creates a synergy that is a stronger protection against energy loss


The Cross

  • Must be silver, wooden, or iron
    • Silver, due to the thirty pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus
    • Wooden, due to the wooden cross Jesus was crucified on
      • Can even be made out of popsicle sticks
    • Iron, due to the nails that affixed Jesus to the Cross
  • The Cross symbolizes Jesus’ defeat of Hell, Satan, and the demonic and thus provides protection from the demonic


Pentagram (5-sided star)

  • This is not a symbol of the occult; witches wear them for protection. The pentagram predates witchcraft.
    • It is imperative that it is worn with one point up and two points down, as this represents God over Satan.
    • Wearing it with two points up and one point down represents Satan over God, and is equivalent to wearing a cross upside down.
  • The pentagram was given to King Solomon by Archangel Raphael to give him absolute authority over the demonic. This symbol predates Jesus and the cross, so it offers similar protection.
  • Wearing the pentagram (must be silver) with a cross offers extra protection against the demonic.


Salt Baths

  • ½ cup of iodized table salt in bath water
  • Soak for as long as you feel is needed, and dunk your head under at least once
    • Ladies, feel free to use a washcloth around your head to avoid getting your hair wet. Just be sure that you cover all of your head.
  • Not only will the salt bath cleanse your aura and help you de-stress and relax, it will provide protection against the demonic.
    • Can be useful if your dreams feel particularly dark.
  • If you experience demonic attacks while in dream state, you MUST command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. You’ll find yourself able to do so in dream state, but it can be useful to prepare yourself before bed by saying “if I have a demonic dream, I will command it out in the name of Jesus Christ.”



  • Six-pointed star, consisting of a right side up triangle placed on top of a downward facing triangle.
    • Don’t wear a Shaddai with the downward facing triangle outward, as this is inviting a demonic attack
  • Can be drawn on a piece of paper, tattooed, silver… Any medium is effective with the Shaddai. It is the shape that conveys the protection.
  • Offers protection against negative universal entities.




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Vexation: something that causes annoyance, frustration, or worry.


While in twilight (just before falling asleep and just after waking), negative thoughts, emotions may nag you and cause you to feel guilty about a person or a situation. This negativity is not yours, but has been sent to you by the dark side.


These vexations can be stopped by speaking the following prayer aloud. The prayer will not work if you have spirit attachments, so you need to say the daily lifting first.


I would please ask for forgiveness for all the sins I have committed knowingly and unknowingly in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

The Demonic

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The Dark Side, including the Demonic, consists of angels who have chosen to ignore truth and have fallen away from God. Lucifer, who was the Angel of Light, chose not to serve mankind because he felt that we were unworthy. When he turned away from God, he took 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven with him. Whenever these beings de-evolved, they became the direct opposite of what they were in the Light. Since Lucifer was the Angel of Light, he became the Demon of Darkness. An angel of love would have become a demon of lust, and an angel of creation would have become a demon of destruction. They are always around, always looking to create havoc and chaos. Their main tactic is to divide and conquer, and they love to use fear as a manipulation tool. The demonic has great worth, however; they can be our best teachers if we allow it. They show us our weaknesses, and with a little effort we can work on overcoming these weaknesses. When the demonic shows you a weakness, thank them for showing you that weakness, and tell them how appreciative you are of it.


Consider this your friendly reminder to never challenge the demonic. Humans are not physically equal to demons and you will lose that battle. Instead, find your authority through God Almighty and through Jesus Christ. The demonic are less than peons compared to Christ, and there is power in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His blood. Consider the demonic to be cockroaches, and Christ to be raid. If you go under demonic attack, it is best to command them away by saying the following: I command you to leave me now, in the name of Jesus Christ. You can also ask Archangel Michael and his legions for assistance.


It’s important to recognize the signs of a demonic attack so that you can adequately protect yourself. The three steps of a demonic attack are oppression, obsession, and full possession. The signs that a demonic attack has begun include the following:

  • Three knocks on walls, ceilings, doors
  • Three scratches on your body
  • A general feeling of oppression
  • Smelling sulfur, moldy earth, or rotting flesh
  • Feeling extremely afraid
  • Strobing lights, or electronics that turn on and off
  • Globes/orbs of red light
  • Furniture that moves of its own accord
  • Vexations
  • If you wear a silver Shaddai and the upside-down triangle turns black, this is indicative of a demonic attack
    • Ask the Band of Mercy to place a silver, mirrored egg around you if this happens

The demonic can also appear physically as a burned man in overalls and a plaid shirt, a black shadow, a black mist, a black hooded figure with red eyes, or a red glowing ball. It’s important to note that demons aren’t human, but they can bring forth human spirits to mess with you.


While it is possible to go under a demonic attack, it is crucial to not be fearful of the demonic. They only have as much power as you give them; if you feed into the fear, then their power will grow. Christ overcame the demonic, so take your authority through Christ and command them away from you. Also, wearing a pentagram and a cross can be useful protections, and performing the house cleansing and blessing can help keep demonic activity at bay. The 91st Psalm is also a great source of strength and protection, as it is the strongest psalm in the Bible. If you feel threatened, it’s best to say the daily lifting, put your mind in a better place, and remind yourself that you’re a child of God.

Communicating with your Spirit Guides

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Our Spirit Guides are the Holy Spirits who were left behind by Jesus to be our teachers and our comforters; everyone has three guides assigned to them at birth, who can be all male, all female, or a combination of male and female. In order to be able to distinguish your guides’ voices from your own, it is important to establish a reliable connection with your guides. They will always speak from the right side, and will give pure knowledge, pure information, and pure truth. Sometimes, with major knowledge, you’ll feel buzzed. Words carry energy and power, so it’s best to speak out loud to your guides.

When you truly want to communicate with your guides, it’s best to say the following prayer: Guides, please give me wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. I am ready to take the responsibility. I am ready to be guided.

You only need to do this once in your life, but you must be ready to fully accept the responsibility of listening to, obey, and actively use the information you receive. The two best ways to communicate with your Guides involves asking for a word and using the Bible.



A Word You Don’t Know


If you are dealing with a particular situation and you’re exhausted all of your resources available, you can ask your Guides for help. To do this, you would say:

“Guides, can you please give me a word I don’t know to look up in the dictionary that will help me with (identify the situation)? Please speak loudly and clearly so that I can hear you.”

When you do this, a word will pop into your head. It may seem familiar or it may be completely strange to you, but you need to look it up in the dictionary either way. Sometimes, the dictionary definition (you can use a Google search for dictionaries) is slightly different from the definition that we have in our minds.

The Bible

Pick up your Bible, and ask your Guides to lead you to a specific passage that will help you in whatever current situation you’re dealing with. Open your Bible at random, and begin reading whatever passage catches your eye. When you have finished reading that chapter, or when you feel that you’ve read a suitable amount, ask your Guides to help you understand what you’ve read and help you apply it to your current situation.

Carol’s Tips


If you are having trouble with acne, it can be helpful to take 50 mg of zinc daily.


In Carol’s experience, she has found that arthritis usually has psychological roots in guilt and resentment.


If you have trouble with cysts, particularly ovarian cysts, taking burdock root can be helpful.


Taking DHEA (Carol highly recommends Ladies’ Choice brand) can help ease all symptoms of menopause.



If you suffer from migraines, Fever Few and vitamin B2 can be particularly helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of your migraines. Also, be sure to consult Heal Your Body by Louis Hay to ensure that you’re addressing the root of the issue.



Selenium (the amount from eating 6 Brazil nuts each day, or from a supplement) has been shown by scientific studies to offer protection against Ebola.



Pouring ½ cup of iodized table salt into your bath water and soaking will cleanse your energy field, reduce stress, and help you relax.

God’s Spirit Community

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God’s Spirit Community is unimaginably large, so it would be impossible to list all of the members. However, these are the members of God’s Spirit Community that we most frequently call upon, and the main role(s) they serve. God is the CEO of his corporation, and without the knowledge of how the corporation works, prayers aren’t nearly as effective as they can be; calling upon the appropriate beings, understanding their duties, and calling upon the appropriate names of God will ensure results consistently.

It is important to remember that angels are not, and have never been human. Angels and humans are two separate species, although angels can appear in human form. For more information, see the Dictionary of Angels.

Always remember to ask nicely when you call upon any of these beings (say please and thank you whenever it is available), do all things in the name of Jesus Christ, and use the phrase “if it is deemed appropriate” if you feel unsure about anything.


Guardian Angels: each human being has one guardian angel responsible for protecting us, who can call upon legions of angels to assist you. If you ever hear a warning, either inside or outside of your head, or if you hear your name shouted, then this is probably your Guardian Angel working to protect you.

Spirit Guides: each human being has three spirit guides assigned to them at birth. These are the Holy Spirits, who have never been human, who were left by Jesus to be our comforters and our teachers. Your spirit guides speak from the right side, mostly inside your head, and provide information, knowledge, and truth. They will never stroke your ego or embarrass you. They show themselves as sparks of white light, and can smell of floral or incense. It is important to learn how to communicate with your Guides

Cherubim: Cherubim are not chubby baby angels but large warrior angels. If you have a perpetual problem with the demonic in your home and property, it would be appropriate to ask a Cherubim be put into place to protect your home and property

Divine Spirits of ­­­­_______: Divine Spirits are angelics who are masters of whatever aspect and/or traits you are calling upon them for help. These are for the non-tangible things like character, which you wish to strengthen in yourself. You should never ask for patience, because you will be given tests to develop your patience. Instead, you should ask for the Divine Spirits of Patience (courage, strength, joy maturity, wisdom, kindness… If you can think of a trait, there is a Divine Spirit of that trait) to aid you, assist you, and work with you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (Understand: Nothing is given, all must be learned. Divine Spirits can assist you in the learning process, though making it easier.)

Guides of ______: if you find yourself in a situation involving something on this Earth plane, say computers, music, art, or car mechanics, you can ask for a Guide of Computers or a Guide of Car Mechanics to please be with you to assist you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. These guides are human masters who will teach you how to fix or do whatever you seek to do. Ask them to speak loudly, and only ask for one at a time.

Band of Mercy: consists of human souls who have chosen to go into service once they have left this Earth plane and have gone into the Light. Most were redeemed. The Band of Mercy has the authority to remove unclean human spirits, negative thought forms, and some negative entities, energies, and influences. The Band also has the authority to remove any and all past life attachments. They also can bring forth loved ones and spirit healers to help ease and prepare one for passing from this Earth plane and guide them into the Light. They may also be called upon in an emergency to remove WHATEVER is attached for you or remove from anyone, who is putting you in danger in the names of God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

Glory Band of Mercy: the Glory Band consists of humans who bound themselves to Satan through black magic and believed they were demonic before they were redeemed back to God. They have the authority to remove human souls that have been bound into dark service, and human souls who believe that they’re demons-in-training (demons are a separate race from humans; one can never be the other).

E.T. Band of Mercy: the E.T. Band of Mercy has the authority to remove extraterrestrials, nature spirits, viruses, and bacteria not from the Earth Plane

Inter-dimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy: this Band has the authority to remove negative entities, energies, and influences from different dimensions of this Earth plane. When calling upon this band, do so in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Mura-Con: Mura-Con is an angelic being that is responsible for purifying and detoxifying the body and blood from various toxins and poisons.

Vortex E-On Jah: Vortex E-On Jah is the angel of vortices, and has the authority to close any negative, unnatural vortex and purify any perversions to natural positive vortices and restore them to the state God intended them to be in.

Legion of Pan: the Legion of Pan has authority over all of nature in this dimension. It is appropriate to call upon the Legion of Pan to remove negative elementals, devas, nature spirits, viruses, bacteria, parasites, nano parasites, and molds from this dimension.

Devas of _______: everything in nature has a Deva that has been assigned, by God, to protect it. Should you face an infestation of some sort (spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, etc.), it would be appropriate to call upon the Deva of Spiders (or whatever pest) to remove them from your home in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Legion of Soon Ki (Soon key): the Legion of Soon Ki has authority over nature from all dimensions of the Earth plane. It’s appropriate to call upon them to remove negative elementals, devas, and nature spirits from other dimensions.

B’Nai Or: The B’Nai Or is the Great White Brotherhood (Of the White Light; they are the 70 sect.) They were Christ’s teachers when He was in body, and they can offer a great deal of protection from abductions on a universal level. We call upon the B’Nai Or in the Daily Lifting for these protections.

Archangel Michael: If you were having trouble with a demonic entity, you would call upon Archangel Michael and his legions to remove them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. Michael has absolute authority over the demonic.

Archangel Raphael: Archangel Raphael and his Legions have the authority to provide protection during travel, and over healing. We call upon Archangel Raphael and his legions during healing work, and to remove Enochians

Archangel Gabriel: Archangel Gabriel and his legions have the authority to remove Sons of Darkness.

Archangel Ariel: Archangel Ariel and his legions have the authority to remove negative Sirius beings

Archangel Uriel: Archangel Uriel presides over the 8th realm. We call upon Archangel Uriel and his legions in the soul DNA formula.

Universal Archangel Metatron: Archangel Metatron has authority over our entire universe, not only our planet (as the other Archangels do).

Building Your Authority

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Carol has been doing major spiritual work for over 30 years, and has built an enormous amount of spiritual authority. Having a greater amount of authority allows her to deal with higher-level entities more effectively, have greater success with healing work, among other benefits. Building spiritual authority is not an exclusive process; it is available to any and everyone who wishes to invest the time and energy needed.


A great place to start building your authority is by saying the daily lifting on a daily basis. This allows God’s Spirit Community to begin to recognize you and your efforts. Over time, they will learn that they can trust you to listen and that you are capable of handling the responsibilities associated with the knowledge.


Another way to build your authority is by setting boundaries, saying the word “no”, and building your self-worth. Carol has spoken on this many times, but she focused on this greatly in the June 20th, 2014 session.

Bound Spirits

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Spirits who are trapped in the Outer Darkness and who have become servants of Satan are referred to as bound spirits. These are human souls who messed with the demonic, who delved into dark magic, who sold their souls to the Devil or otherwise bound themselves to the demonic in their lifetimes; when they left their physical body, the dark side collected their debt.


The Daily Lifting does not remove bound spirits. The usual Band of Mercy can’t assist because they’re human souls who bound themselves to the demonic, while Archangel Michael doesn’t have authority over them because they’re not truly demons. You would need to call upon the Glory Band of Mercy to remove these souls. The Glory Band of Mercy consists of human souls who were once servants of Satan but have been redeemed back to God; they have chosen to spend their time in Heaven assisting others in similar situations as members of the Glory Band.


To call upon the Glory Band of Mercy, you would use the following prayer formula:


I would please ask the Glory Band of Mercy to remove whatever spirits they have domain over now that are attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, my mate, my family, my pets, my home and property, and all that I have domain over now, and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Prayer Reminders

It is of the utmost importance to note that you have the authority to pray for yourself, your home and property, your pets, and any of your children under the age of 13. If you wish to pray for someone else, including any of your children 13 and over, you must first obtain their permission, so as not to impede on their ability to exercise their free will. Simply asking if you can keep them in your prayers is sufficient. When praying for someone else, always use their full address (street name, city, and state).


Important note: As a rule, you should not do more than one healing prayer per day, on yourself or a person you have permission to pray for. Sudden changes within the body can be hard on the body, so more than one of these prayers per day could be harmful. Also, it is important NOT to do healing work before scheduled surgeries or medical intervention, as serious complications can arise.

Hand Placement for Prayers

Healing Prayers


If you are saying a healing prayer hand position is important for focusing the healing energy. When healing yourself, your palms should be slightly cupped and facing you, as demonstrated below.



When healing another person (who has given you permission to pray for them) and they are not close enough to touch, palms should be slightly cupped and facing out, away from your body. Carol demonstrates this in the image below.



When healing a subject who is close enough to touch, the right hand should be on the affected area while the left hand should be cupped, facing up and out. When healing, your body serves as a conduit for Christ’s healing energy, receiving this energy from your left hand, and sending it to the person receiving the healing through your right hand. Below, Carol demonstrates healing a shoulder injury; her left hand is receiving the healing energy and her right hand is on the affected area.





All Other Prayers


When you’re saying any other prayer than a healing prayer for someone else, then you want to cup your hands slightly and face them up and out. “Opening up” your prayer by holding your hands up and out allows for greater energetic flow between you and God. Carol demonstrates this below.



If saying the prayer for yourself, cup your hands slightly and face them inwards towards yourself, as Carol shows below.

