Tag Archives: comfort

Easing the Death Process

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Losing a loved one can be a particularly difficult time, but there are a few members of God’s spirit community that can help ease the transition. Always use their full name and address (either permanent, or of the facility where they’re located temporarily).


For yourself, while your loved one is in transition:


You should ask your guides to comfort you, and you can ask for Divine Spirits of Peace, Serenity, and/or Tranquility to work with you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ.


It can also be helpful to use jade or angelite, if you feel led. Lepidolite with pink tourmaline works as a synergy to help ease and bring strength during transitions.


For your loved one in transition:


You should first ask for spirit healers to be with your loved one to remove any pain they may be in.


I would please ask spirit healers to be with (name and address of loved one) to remove any pain that he/she may experience in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


You also want to ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort them through the process and to take them into the Light when they pass.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort (name and address of loved one) during their transition, and when he/she is ready, take him/her either directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


It can be an extremely emotional time, but it is sometimes necessary to remind our loved ones that it is okay to pass on. Remind them that their loved ones will be waiting, that they will be taken into the Light or into sanctuary, and thank them for everything that they have done for you. Sometimes, being reminded that it is okay to pass on is all that is needed to save our loved ones from unnecessary pain and struggle.