Curses, Spells, Conjurations, Hexes, Fixes, & Damnations

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If you feel that you have been sent any form of magic or damnations, this formula should relieve you of any of the symptoms. If they are sent to you repeatedly, you may need to say this more than once. The first time, return it to sender threefold. If you need to say it a second time, return it to sender tenfold. If you need to say it a third time, return it to sender hundredfold.

If you were affected by a curse, it can be helpful to use this bath to remove any negative residues.


Upon saying “uncurse thee”, hands are crossed and uncrossed with the left hand passing over the right. When doing this for yourself, palms are turned inward. When doing for another, your palms are turned outward toward them.

Energies of curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, and damnations, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth. 

Energies of curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, and damnations, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, uncurse thee, unspell thee, unconjure thee, unhex thee, unfix thee, and undamn thee, in all thy many parts, layers, and intricacies. Turn thee from negative to positive, and send thee back to sender threefold through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, uncurse thee, unspell thee, unconjure thee, unhex thee, unfix thee, and undamn thee, in all thy many parts, layers, and intricacies. Turn thee from negative to positive, and send thee back to sender threefold through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Release and return to sender now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit;  and I thank thee.

Then you need to say the following:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please remove all that was bound in to curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, damnations, and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them, and I thank thee.

2 thoughts on “Curses, Spells, Conjurations, Hexes, Fixes, & Damnations”

  1. Thank You very much!
    I have lived for years feeling that i was curst or i carry a burden of cust on my Mother or even Grandma. I hope this formula will help me.

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