Tag Archives: sage

9.5.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the September 5th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.


 Please click here for a PDF version

Ghosts and spirits are HUMAN SOULS who are stuck. Say the daily lifting and pray them into the Light.


If you have a loved one who is passing, you can do prayer work to help them through the transition


Spiritual Gifts

  • We’re all gifted in one way or another
    • Try out lots of things that you’re drawn to figure out what you’re good at and what you’re not good at
      • If you’re not good at something, don’t let it rob you of your ego and your self-esteem
  • Spiritual gifts are like muscles. You have to trust them and use them in order to make them stronger.
    • If you have information, it’s your responsibility to get it to the right people.
    • Establish reliable communication with your guides
    • If you don’t use it, you lose it
    • You can expand on gifts by going in training
    • You can also pick up gifts from past lives when you travel to foreign countries
      • It activates parts of the soul and brings it to the surface
      • If you’re drawn to specific places, then GO! There’s something there for you to help you to evolve
      • Beware of dangers, and be aware of past life attachments and past life traumas. Also be aware of spirit attachments, and be sure to say the daily lifting
  • We come in with tangible gifts. These are the obvious ones that are noticeable on the physical plane.
    • We’ve earned these and excelled in these over our past lifetime(s)
    • These put us in the right circles that we need to be in to learn and grow in this lifetime
    • You’ll have an urging feeling or a drawing to whatever your gift is
      • It can trigger at different times in your life, usually on the anniversary of when you dealt with it in your past lives
    • Being a doctor, lawyer, or an artist is a gift.
      • Attorneys, doctors, and engineers think similarly
    • The ability to cook, and work with nature are both gifts
    • Child prodigies who excel in music, art, etc. have these gifts
  • We also come in with intangible gifts. These are psychic and intuitive abilities, and people often try to hide these gifts.
    • Discernment is a HUGE gift
      • Being able to detect a person’s true agenda, intent, and purpose
      • True discernment has nothing to do with judgment
        • Discernment involves just knowing about their agenda, judgment is putting your personal feelings into it
    • People often try to talk themselves out of their gut feeling
      • If you get a bad feeling about someone, acknowledge it and act accordingly.
        • Don’t give them your trust and walk away from the situation
    • Precognition is a gift from God
      • We know things before they’re going to happen, either a dream or a gut feeling
        • It’s usually a fleeting sense
      • If you have a dream that a bad situation is happening, this is a warning that you have a choice to make. You can choose not to put yourself in the situations where the bad thing was going to happen
    • Dreams that come true are gifts in that you can use the information to change the outcomes of specific situations
      • Changing small details will change the whole outcome
      • ALWAYS trust these
      • If you have a dream where you see a friend wearing a red shirt in a white car get into a car accident, you can warn that friend not to wear the red shirt in the white car
    • Red Flags are true warnings from God
      • If you trust the red flags, you’ll stay safe. If you go against the red flags, you’ll have problems
      • You’ll hear “stop”, “no”, nausea, a gripping in your solar plexus, or other very clear warning signs
    • Pivotals
      • Times in your life that you can choose to live or choose to die.
      • You’re always warned that it’s a pivotal
    • It’s a gift to be a student and it’s a gift to be a teacher
    • Being able to see spirits is a gift, but this doesn’t make you a medium


The Soul

  • We are the hologram of everything that we have been, everything that we are, and of God
  • All knowledge and all memory is within us, we just have to trigger it
  • “The Ghost Inside My Child” on television shows proof to the world that the soul is eternal



  • There are two types of anger, righteous anger and emotional based anger
  • Righteous anger is justified
    • Comes from the heart chakra up, and it comes on strong
    • If it comes with strength, it’s correct
    • It comes from “this is wrong”
    • You can trust this
  • Emotional-based anger is an overreaction that isn’t justified
    • It makes you shaky and makes you want to cry
    • You’ve had a button pushed, don’t give into this and don’t trust this
    • If it comes with emotion, it’s incorrect
    • A trigger from your childhood could be causing you to overreact now


Clearing Energy

  • Sage will help clear negative energies, but iodized table salt (can be mixed with water) will clear it better
  • Sage isn’t effective for the demonic, but iodized table salt is effective
    • Sandalwood is effective against the demonic
  • If you live near a battleground or a particularly spiritually active area, you can put into place a floating protected sanctuary



  • Exists in many levels
    • Each level is a different vibration
  • When you die, you’re trapped in that time level
    • If you die with a lot of other people, then you will all be on that same level
    • If you don’t die at the same time as others, you will be by yourself
  • There’s not a limit to the amount of time levels that can exist in one place
  • Leveling and rebuilding in the same location is dangerous because the older energy of a place can carry over into the new time level
    • Cairo, Rome, Atlanta (Georgia) have all done this


ISIS and Terror Groups

  • There are always lessons to be learned, and there has always been violence on the Earth plane
  • You can do prayer work to help with the situations
    • Ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede on behalf of our country, if it is deemed appropriate
    • You can pray for the awareness and redemption of the people committing the acts of terror



  • If someone says “pray for me”, that gives you permission to do what you need to do
  • If a person in unable to give consent and a family member gives you permission to pray for them, then that gives you permission to do prayer work for them


Going through a Surgery

  • Get the Doctor’s name, where the surgery will be taking place (the address, floor, and room of the hospital), and the time of the surgery.
    • Ask the Band of Mercy to clear all doctors and nurses performing the surgery
    • Ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be there to lessen pain and promote quick healing
    • Divine Spirits of Healing afterwards to assure that the person heals and is whole, and in the state that God intended thee to be
    • Ask the Band of Mercy to clear the person of whatever might have attached to them



  • There are devas of everything
  • If you pray to the Legion of Pan for help from devas, the prayer is effective for 24 hours.
    • I would please ask the Legion of Pan to ask the deva of ___ to do whatever they need to do to protect my house and family in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.

4.4.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the April 4th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version


Q & A Session

  • When you’re in the Light planning your next life out, who all is involved in the planning process? Do your guides help, does your guardian angel help, or is it strictly you and God?
    • Your guides are assigned to you based on the lessons you choose and how evolved you already are. The higher evolved you are, the higher evolved your guides are
    • You have a choice in the lessons you want to learn, the people and situations you want to interact with, whether you’re male or female, and the area you’re born into.
    • You can come in with certain illnesses and diseases to be a sacrifice to be the teacher for people around you
  • Why is it advantageous to incarnate from the Light vs. the Outer Darkness?
    • In the Outer Darkness, you don’t have a “heads up” about your lessons and you have a lot of emotional baggage, traumas, etc. that you bring in to the new life
      • Hatreds, fears, actions can lock you into certain characteristics and situations in your next lifetime
        • Anti-Semites will often reincarnate as Jews, KKK members as Black individuals, etc. as a lesson
        • It allows you to see the flip-side of an error on the soul level
      • Incarnating from the Light allows you to shed a lot of the traumas and baggage, and gives you a sneak peek at what you’ll be encountering
  • What is karma?
    • Karma is unlearned lessons
    • If you’re judgmental and judge others, you will in turn be judged
    • It’s not a punishment, it’s a lesson
  • What is your soul?
    • Your soul is the absolute, eternal, immortal you that resides within every cell of the physical body
      • This brings up issues with organ transplants… Kidneys aren’t as much of an issue, but the heart and the liver present major issues. The soul can stay with the heart of the person, as the heart never truly stops with organ donors and the soul isn’t given the opportunity to leave the body. The liver is the seat of anger, and the soul of the deceased can transfer into the recipient.
        • Your gold cord connects your soul to your body via the heart
        • You ask that the deceased, along with the negative residue, be taken into the Light or in appropriate protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ (with the pleases/thank you’s)
      • Everywhere you go, you leave little pieces of yourself behind, trails of energy
        • You can leave energy from past lives in places, and stumbling upon this energy reactivates soul memory
        • Death energy can be particularly dangerous. You can relive the energy and it can cause extreme illness or death.
      • Your soul has a depth of consciousness that you’re not necessarily consciously aware of… We’ve been around since the beginning of time and we carry a gigantic amount of soul memory with us everywhere we go
  • Is distance an issue with formula/prayers?
    • As long as you have a full name and address, then the prayers will work anywhere in the world.
    • With healing prayers, the catch is that the person must want to be healed.
      • Free will is the issue
      • Healing is unbelievably complex
  • Do you (Carol) every feel the need to prove your abilities? Do people often try to prove themselves to you? What about the psychics doing big-name, high-dollar tours and TV shows?
    • “I never worry about proving myself… I, honest to God, don’t care. Do I care [about other people proving their abilities]? Not especially. It’s for their benefit, not mine” – Carol
    • She does her best to try to help people with their abilities, because that’s part of her job in this lifetime
    • “I think any true psychic would never, ever go in competition. We’re not here about ego. This isn’t about ego, it’s about how you can help people, the earth, the community, that sort of thing. God. You’re working through God.” – Carol
    • As for the big-name psychics, Carol says “good for them”
    • “I do the work, and it is what it is… If you choose, I can help you… Not necessarily being ‘psychic’, but knowing how to use God’s spirit community to help yourself and those around you… Anyone who wants it can have it.” – Carol
  • How do you define God’s spirit community?
    • On Earth:
      • 4 major Archangels, with legions under each
        • The legions are organized like the military with leaders, generals, etc.
      • There are Divine Spirits who deal with medical, emotional, spiritual, psychological needs. There are Divine Spirits of everything that man has put into place, laws, emotions, etc.
        • Divine Spirits of Justice, Comfort, Patience, Humility
      • Devas are nature spirits who protect plants, animals, etc. like our Guardian Angel protects us
        • We’ve been given the authority to name things on this planet and create laws on this planet that will be recognized by God’s spirit community.
          • For example, once we name a specific plant, then Devas of that named plant will be with all plants of that type. IE: once we identify a magnolia tree, then Devas of Magnolia Trees will be assigned to all magnolia trees to protect them.
          • Unnamed plants will be protected by general nature spirits
        • Highly evolved humans can be masters of certain things while on the other side. These souls have donated their time in the Light for the greater good.
          • Masters of mechanics, psychology, crocheting, etc.
  • Does divorce go against God?
      • “I don’t think that God made the laws for marriages… The laws have been quite different [throughout history], with David and Solomon and all of the wives…” – Carol
      • If you’re married to someone who causes you [illness, disease, etc.], it’s not “against God” to divorce them.
  • Is there an increased level of violence in the US nowadays?
    • No, it’s more of an increased media attention
    • There have been horrors everywhere, throughout all of history. There’s just greater access to the information and statistics than ever before.
    • This is a place of turmoil, lessons… It’s NOT heaven
  • What about Chip Coffey, who works with children with psychic abilities?
    • There’s too much showmanship
    • He doesn’t handle them 100% wrong, but he handles them wrong
      • There shouldn’t be fear involved.
    • There’s a lack of knowledge about how to properly protect themselves
      • Sage isn’t gonna do a thing for demonic, negative entities
      • Unless you’ve proven that the information works, do not rely on it fully
        • Ideas, theories, and opinions should all be taken with a grain of salt until proven effective.
        • Salt for demonic possessions and the power of the lifting are all things that have been proven across many people and many situations to be valid, useful, and truthful.
  • Who are the seven Sons of God?
    • Jesus, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, Metatron