Tag Archives: human soul

3.21.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the March 21st, 2014 NACC meeting.

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  • We’re on Earth to evolve and learn lessons
    • Choices and decisions (AKA free will) are how we learn our lessons
  • There’s a whole Spirit community that wants to work with and protect us!
  • ALWAYS say please and thank you when you call upon Divine assistance

The Soul

  • Your soul is integrated into every cell of the physical body, but exits the body completely intact and very material when you pass
  • God created everything
    • Everything created by God has awareness and consciousness
    • We are unified with all of God’s creations due to our soul’s connectivity with God
    • We are all a part of the holograph of God
    • Everything has living, conscious energy
      • You can’t destroy energy, only change it
        • Death is for the material physical body, not the soul
      • Even rocks have consciousness!
      • Even inanimate objects have conscious except plastic. Carol had a pair of glasses tell her they helped the wearer see.
    • At one point, we had a Divine Connectedness with nature, animals, and angels through God, but some lost that connectedness via our bad choices, as influenced by the Dark Side
  • How do we get in contact with our soul?
    • Kinesiology/reflexology is the best, most foolproof way of accessing your soul’s knowledge
      • Connect your middle finger and thumb of both hands and interlock both circles. Right-handed people pull with their left hand, left-handers with their right.
      • Give your soul permission to hold for the answer “no” and pull. Give your soul permission to break for the answer “yes” and pull and allow circle to break.
        • Stronger holds and breaks are stronger answers.
      • Once you’ve established this, you’re in contact with your soul.
      • You cannot use this for future; you can use this for the past and the current.
        • With an illness, use kinesiology to ask if it’s mental/psychological, spiritual, physical, or emotional.
          • Carol suggestions using the book, Heal Your Body by Louise Hay to help the root of physical issues, which can be emotional. Carol does not agree with every root listed in the book, but the major are correct.
          • Once you’ve identified the root, tap the affected area twice with your index and middle fingers on either hand and state the root cause before tapping. You may experience a tingle sensation. This is normal, which means healing, but not everyone gets a tingle. It may take 24 hours to clear completely.


  • Orbs are NOT human souls, they’re interdimensional/dimensional parasites that feed off negativity
    • Used to be called Foo Fighters (no connection to the rock band)
  • Can move betwixt dimensions
  • They are of no harm to us; they clean the energy of the Earth
    • Can be the size of football fields, or the size of marbles
    • They’re natural, not “supernatural”
  • They can live for hundreds of years, but when they die, they turn red
  • Easily photographed
  • If one becomes attached to you, you can use the following formula:
    • I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy to remove whatever they have authority over that is attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, family, pets, home and property, and all that I have domain over now in the name of Jesus Christ and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

The Earth Plane

  • 10 major dimensions, but there are dimensions within dimensions
  • 1-3 are the Earth plane
  • 4 is the Outer Darkness
  • 5-10 are layers of Heaven

God’s Spirit Community

  • Beings of the Light always speak from the right. They never speak in 3rd person and information is always pure and without ego. Sometimes they warn us, but most of the time it’s just information.
  • Beings of the Light taught Carol everything she knows
  • Holy Spirits
    • The Holy Spirits are our teachers, our comforters
    • Christ left the Holy Spirits to be with us after His ascension
    • They are not human, nor have they ever been human
    • They are direct servants and messengers of God
  • Angelics
    • Not human; a different species yet still capable of evolvement
    • They are servants and messengers of God
    • Both male and female
    • Take care of us, help us, assist us
    • Can visit as humans and have specific lifetimes as humans but is rare.
      • Most of the time, they don’t know that they are angels
      • If you ask them if they’re angels, they must tell the truth. This is not the case if they are born as human.
    • Guardian Angels
      • Every human has only one guardian angel, who can call upon legions of angels to protect you and assist you
      • Everything and everyone on this Earth plane has a guardian angel
      • You can give your Guardian Angel charge over you to protect and all you have authority over and then say I thank thee. If you ask your Guardian Angel for help, as in assisting you to find a lost article, say please and I thank thee.
        • Needs to be reinstated once a year
        • Can be used specifically before trips
      • We have 4 major Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) and several “sub”-Archangels, and a Universal Archangel (Metatron)
        • There is a division of labor similar to the Army… There are generals and angel under them then more under them, etc.
        • If you feel threatened, you may ask for Cherubim to please protect yourself, family, pets, home and property, and all that you have authority over in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
          • Needs to be renewed once a year
        • Devas
            • Nature angels that come in many different forms
            • If you do good deeds in this life or past, devas can protect and/or bring you gifts
            • Devas of vegetables, fruits, flowers can help you grow magnificent crops
            • You can ask Devas to remove whatever critter or bug from the house in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
            • Animal totems are significant; animals can bring information, warnings, etc.

The Dark Side

  • The Dark Side always speaks from the left, in the 2nd and/or 3rd person
    • “You look so fat today” or “they’re looking at you because of…”
  • The Dark Side/Demonic are fallen Angels
    • They de-evolved
  • Whatever their role was in the Light became the direct opposite when they fell away from God
  • Lucifer (the Angel of Light) chose not to serve mankind; he felt that mankind wasn’t worthy. When he turned away from God, he took 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven with him to Earth.
    • The Fallen Angels hate mankind
  • The Dark Side provides us with the opportunity to exert our free will

Extra Resources

  • Findhorn Foundation
  • Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
  • Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor James Constable for images of orbs, etc.
  • Keys of Solomon for the Archangelic time frames
  • The Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davison for Angelic information
  • Animal Speak by Ted Andrews for animal totems

3.7.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio of the March 7th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.

Please click here for a PDF version



  • Learn your lessons, or you’ll do them until you get it right!
  • Free will is a gift, but we can ask for God’s help when we need it!
    • It is important to say the Daily Lifting on a daily basis in order to remove anything that might interfere with our ability to exert our free will
  • God isn’t a punisher, and we must use our free will to take responsibility for ourselves and our choices
  • Set your boundaries!
  • Guides speak from your right side, the Demonic speaks from your left, Spirits can speak from either side.



  • Animals incarnate repeatedly
  • Animals incarnate within the same species
    • A dog will not come back as a whale, a goldfish will never become a tiger
    • A housecat can come back as a lion, and a chimpanzee as a gorilla
    • A Great Dane could come back as a Chihuahua


Prayer Formulas

  • The words prayer and formula are often used interchangeably by Carol
  • The formulas that she uses, references, and provides us with are actually prayers.
  • For each specific problem, a specific prayer exists.
    • Genetic diseases, DNA/RNA deactivation are included
    • Formulas do not “fix” the problem, but put things into a stasis. Once this stasis occurs, you must change whatever caused the issue (mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional roots) or the issue will reactivate
      • If you fail to change the root cause of the issue, then the formulas will stop working
      • Carol worked on a man with a brain tumor. She used the formula four times, but on the fifth time, the formula didn’t work because he refused to change the root of the problem.



  • Diseases DO NOT exist only in the physical body and ARE NOT caused singularly by what you take in to your physical body.
  • Diseases are caused by what you think, how you think, your state of mind
    • If you’re a smoker and you KNOW that you’re going to evolve cancer in your body with every cigarette that you smoke, you will evolve cancer.
    • In this respect, diseases can be self-fulfilling prophecies
    • What you fear, you will bring into your emotional body, your psychological body, and eventually your physical body.



  • Everyone is a teacher in our lives, and everyone serves a purpose. We are teachers and lessons for those around us.
    • Being a hermit accomplishes absolutely nothing.
    • Some try to find their connectedness with God via solitude, but connecting with God means connecting with the people around you.
      • Monks who do this try to master themselves, which is easy to do in solitude. The true test is mastery among others.
    • There is part of God in everyone and everything- that’s your soul
  • Friends with negative belief systems will eventually affect YOU
    • Positive people will lift you up and reinforce your positivity
    • It is not your responsibility to “bring up” the Negative Nancy’s of the world- you cannot change their mindset and they will bring you down
  • Lessons vary, and can involve numerous things
    • Breaking patterns or legacies is a common lesson



  • Psychics ARE NOT fortune tellers
  • Psychics do not read the future.
    • The future can be changed, we have free will, we can make decisions for ourselves
    • The future is what you want it to be. Our choices define our future.
    • Certain things are placed in your path, and are put there so you’re forced to overcome them. You’ve scheduled them in, and it’s better that you face them sooner rather than later, because they’re not going away.
  • “Supernatural” isn’t supernatural, it’s material.


The Human Soul

  • Spirits are human and are physical
    • Your soul occupies your body, but when you leave your body you still look the same, and still retain the same features.
    • Your spirit cannot die because it’s not biological and doesn’t have the same functions.
  • In Heaven, there is joy in our homecoming and sadness in our birth into this world… It’s more of a death to be born here and more of a birth to go home
    • Food is still a thing, though. Weight gain is not.
    • Family reunions are common after a member passes
      • If a family member is Earthbound, then they’ll ask the families to pray for whoever is Earthbound so he can come
    • You can choose what age you want to be
      • Loved ones will greet you at the age you remember them most
    • Instantaneous travel is a bonus. You can visit anywhere in the world you want to with a thought
    • Loved ones on the other side mourn the separation just as much as we do.
    • You go through a life review, and you find out what you did to other people, how you treated them, and how you made them feel.
  • Earthbound souls
    • Some don’t know they’ve died and keep living like they always have. Sometimes they’ll get a glimpse of you, but you’re like a ghost to them in their house.
      • There are different time levels, so you can have multiple spirits in one place that cannot contact each other
        • They’ll be together if they died together
      • Sometimes people just know they’re going to Hell, so they exist in a grey limbo without any human contact
      • Suicide will bind you into a specific place.
        • They killed themselves to escape the misery
        • They killed their body, but the emotions and the pain are still there
        • These Earthbound souls will make contact, however, in an attempt to get help
      • Extremely negative souls can make use of the heaviness of some layers of the Outer Darkness and use things like vortexes to hold other souls captive
    • Doppelgangers
      • When you see yourself outside of your body
      • You astrally travel and run into yourself
        • We have 7 different bodies, one attached to each chakra



  • You reincarnate about every 60 years.
    • If you don’t learn your lessons, you’ll be born into specific circumstances over and over again
    • Forgive and release with love those people that you “hate”, lest you bond yourself to them and reincarnate over and over again
  • Hinduism, and other religions that believe in reincarnation as a religion, you’ll come back (sometimes immediately).
    • Scars will be on the new body that are reminiscent of how they passed the last time
    • This makes it extremely difficult for evolvement
  • After about 200 years in the Outer Darkness, you will reincarnate from the Outer Darkness
    • This isn’t good, because you don’t get to plan your lessons yourself



  • These are the Holy Spirits
  • They’re with us, and we need to ask them for help when you get to the end of your rope
  • Ask questions of God, of your Guides, and you will get answers. You have to ask the right question, specific questions.
  • You have to practice hearing your guides!
    • Say the lifting first
    • Ask them to speak so you can hear their voices
    • Contemplate, don’t meditate
    • Ask them to use the Bible to give you a message pertaining to your life at that point, open the Bible at random, and read a chapter. Then, ask them to help you understand that you’re reading and ask them questions.
  • You can ask to see them, and you’ll see sparks of light everywhere, and they’ll smell floral or like incense.



  • Christ didn’t die on the Cross so that we can live free from responsibility for our actions, He died so that he could face Satan on his own turf and overcome spiritual death, thereby giving us all the opportunity to be with God and to go to Heaven
  • In order for Christ to be able to defeat Satan, he had to give himself over to Satan 100%, and allow Satan to do whatever he wanted to Him, to the point of physical death
  • Christ carved a tunnel of Light from Hell to Heaven, encompassing all ten dimensions of the Earth plane. Before this, everyone incarnated from the Outer Darkness and there was no “going to Heaven”
    • Christ is Light. Going into the Light is accepting Christ, whether you know it or not.
    • Anyone, of any religion, or any creature can choose to enter the Light
  • Wooden, silver, and iron crosses will leave burn marks on demonically possessed individuals, as Christ overcame Satan and the cross represents His sacrifice and victory
    • Wood, because of the wooden cross
    • Silver, because of the thirty pieces of silver that was paid to Judas to betray Jesus
    • Iron, because of the iron nails used to nail Jesus to the cross


Dark Side

  • They divide and conquer!
  • Convince us to do things that we otherwise wouldn’t do
    • Suicide, drugs, alcohol, etc
  • They prey upon weaknesses, fear, pride, ego
  • The Dark Side teaches us our weaknesses. They prey on them and therefore call it to your attention. They’re our best teachers.
  • They will make decisions for you if you don’t make them for yourself. They’ll talk you into something bad or out of something good.
  • Usually cause a red flag to go off for you… Being sick to your stomach is not a good thing and generally means you’re not making the best choice for yourself.


Extra Resources

  • Fortean Times on the Internet (http://www.forteantimes.com)
  • TV Shows such as “The Ghost Inside My Child”, “A Haunting”
  • “Ghost” with Whoopi Goldberg and Patrick Swayze

2.21.2014 Session Notes

The accompanying audio for the February 21st, 2014 NACC meeting can be found here.

Please click here for a PDF version



New Age Christian Church

  • Very different from most other churches, no dogmas.
  • Carol never intended on starting a church. She was raised Baptist, but wasn’t a fan of the ideas and concepts that were taught, including “going to hell” and whether or not you acted according to church beliefs.
  • Carol’s guides told her to open a church and call it “New Age Christian Church.” She listened, and was told that it was important because, in the future, people (including Carol herself) would need the church.
  • The church bridges the gap between Christianity and New Age information
    • Carol is not “New Age” fluffy, because she deals with the Dark side
    • All love and rainbows would be lovely, but that’s not Earth, that’s Heaven
    • “Be as meek and mild as a lamb, but as wise as a serpent”
    • Don’t hand your trust out, make people earn levels and layers of your trust
      • Trust is very, very valuable
    • Be a spiritual being, but don’t become a doormat
    • Your evolvement, and being an example to others is the key. If you can help others, that’s great, but it’s not the main focus.
  • The church isn’t a bridge to religion, but rather a bridge back to God and Christ.
    • God is much kinder and more forgiving to us than we are to ourselves
  • The church provides spiritual “meat” and answers to questions that various churches don’t provide.
  • The church provides a place for individuals to spiritually grow, evolve, and learn.
    • There is an entire spirit community waiting to help you, you need only ask.
  • God doesn’t need religion, but He wants us to be spiritual human beings. Carol tries to give spiritual information to those seeking the truth.
  • Attendance isn’t taken, but the church is open to those who truly want to be there and want to learn. Most people don’t come in with “missions”, but are placed here to learn and evolve.
  • Sometimes, old information will be covered repeatedly to accommodate new learners. It’s also beneficial to hear it more than once, as you will hear it with a new ear each time. You’ll only hear it when you’re ready.
  • The money raised by NACC goes to help pay the electric and power bills for those less fortunate, or helps members of the church when it is needed.


Human Soul & Body:

  • Our physical bodies serve as vessels for us to work through lessons
    • Mistakes and bad decisions are great ways to learn lessons
    • If you notice a pattern, ask God and your Guides to give you a word to help you identify the lesson to be learned, so that you can learn it quickly, easily, and harmlessly and prevent yourself from being harmed in the future.
    • The goal is to make your lessons as short, easy, and painless as possible
    • Some lessons come from other people, some lessons come from the Dark side
      • The Dark side consists of fallen angels, who were created by God
  • Our soul is a hologram and contains every aspect of God, and inhabits every cell of the physical body. Each cell is the seat of the soul, and we are made in His image.
  • Gut feelings are soul knowledge, and we need to learn to acknowledge them as such.
  • People who are more sensitive have a brighter light/aura and have a higher vibration than those who are less sensitive
  • We often reincarnate in various different ways
    • We can be bound together with people by traumas or by emotions (love or hate)
    • If we need to learn similar lessons, we can come in as a group to learn the lessons. These will be done until everyone “gets it”
    • We come in as both genders, as different races
      • If you hate it in one life, you’ll probably be it at some point or another
  • There are two cords that connect your soul to your body: one cord is silver and one is gold. The golden cord connects into your brain center, and the silver cord connects into your solar plexus.
    • Physical death involves the severance of both cords
    • When people are in comas, their golden cord is severed. This does not indicate physical death, however.
      • Carol helped pass the Brain Dead Law in the state of Arkansas
      • When the golden cord is severed, there is no coming back.
      • People in comas are in limbo and cannot move on
  • Astral projection involves the spiritual body traveling while the physical body still remains in one place; in this case, the cords remain connected and you can re-enter your physical body.
    • One case of this astral projection was when a member of England’s parliament was too sick to go in to cast a vote, so he stayed at home. While his physical body was at home, his spiritual body went to parliament, cast his vote, and photographs were taken of this man
    • Another case exists where a man lived for several months and got married in Hawaii while his physical body was in a coma in the States. The hotel staff remembered him; you could see where he signed in, yet he remembered nothing.
  • “Death” involves shedding the physical body but retaining the spiritual body, which still has physical properties. It is still material, and they still look the same as they did in their physical bodies, but different people have different densities, due to their different vibrational frequencies.
    • You have “pivotals”, or times in your life when you can choose to stay or go, that you put into place before you come into this life. If you choose to leave, you don’t break spiritual law. However, if you choose to commit suicide, you commit self-murder and break spiritual law (see below)
    • Requesting that no extreme measures are taken to prolong your life DOES NOT constitute suicide, and it is well within your spiritual rights to put these into place. This is allowing nature to take its course.
    • When you “die”, you’re shown a bright white light. You can choose to go into this Light and enter Heaven, or you can choose to stay in the Outer Darkness. You can reincarnate from both the Light and the Outer Darkness, but it is advantageous to incarnate from the Light as you get to plan your family, your tests, your trials, and your lessons.



  • Animals are nature spirits and are capable of large amounts of empathy
  • Unless animals are bound, then they will automatically go into the Light upon death
  • “Putting an animal down” does not constitute murder and doesn’t impede their spiritual journey in any way
  • If for some reason you feel that an animal is stuck, you can ask the Legion of Pan to assist them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary using the same basic prayer formula as when you would call upon the Band of Mercy



  • These are real things and have real repercussions!
  • Damning yourself, damning others can cause great harm. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it.
  • Words have power, and not knowing is not an acceptable excuse for avoiding repercussions.
  • If you feel that someone has damned you, the following formula is appropriate to use (speak the bolded words aloud, and use the parenthetical portions as directions):
    • Energy and consciousness of damnations that have been sent to me, I call thee forth now through the power of Jesus Christ, come forth. Energy and consciousness of damnations that have been sent to me, I call thee forth now through the power of Jesus Christ, come forth. Damnation, I now release thee and unbind thee (with palms facing inwards towards yourself, cross your hands and uncross them), turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee and return thee back to God through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Damnation, I now release thee and unbind thee (with palms facing inwards towards yourself, cross your hands and uncross them), turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee and return thee back to God through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.



  • Tarot cards have been around for centuries that were used for divination
    • These are tools to unlock your souls’ information.
    • They can foretell events, explain why events happen, their purpose, etc. for a period of about two weeks
    • Keep these simple, and don’t do daily readings for yourself because the Dark side can manipulate your cards.
    • If you do a reading for someone else, only let them shuffle the cards. Do not let them handle your cards otherwise; keep your energy exclusive to your tool
  • Pendulums perform in a similar way to give you information.
    • They bring the knowledge from the soul into a material thing.
    • YOU make the pendulum swing, not some external force (unless the Dark side interferes)
    • Program your pendulum, and keep your energy exclusive to your pendulum- don’t let others play with it.
    • Since this is outside of the self, you must put protection into place to prevent the Dark side from interfering
    • To clear negative energy, place it in Iodized table salt and water
  • Salt water is also useful for clearing negative energies pertaining to antiques, and the lifting will remove any spirits attached to any secondhand purchases. Mirrors can be portals, but you can ask the Band of Mercy to close any portals and remove anything that has come through it and place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever the Band deems necessary with them (with your niceties).


The Lifting

  • Band of Mercy
    • Made up of souls who have been Earthbound who have donated their time and energy on the other side to help those who are Earthbound
    • Upon prayer or request in the name of Jesus Christ, they will take people who are stuck into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate. They bring loved ones forth to help the Earthbound soul
    • You must never demand help from the Band of Mercy. Always politely ask for help.
    • If they are taken into protected sanctuary, they will eventually move into the Light. Protected sanctuary is in the Light, but serves as a spiritual halfway house for those who can’t quite cope with the concept of being out of their physical body (AKA “dead”), those who thought they were going to Hell, or those who didn’t believe in an “afterlife”
    • You only have the spiritual authority to ask for the Band to remove spirits that are attached to, affecting, or influencing you; are on your property; or that you are related to. You have the authority to ask the Band to offer help to other spirits, but it is their right to decide whether or not to accept the help.
    • It is important to always ask the Band to either take them into protected sanctuary or directly into the Light. By doing so, you ensure that they have the free will to choose which option they take. You must always give them the option to choose, but you can narrow their options down when you have the spiritual authority to do so.
    • People who commit suicide are particularly prone to becoming Earthbound, because they break spiritual law and commit self-murder, which we do not have the right to do.
      • The repercussion for breaking this spiritual law is that you become Earthbound, generally to the place were you died.
      • With suicides, there is heavy mourning and surviving family members generally feel that their family members are not well and are not safe (because they’re not well and not safe).
      • People who commit suicide will show up in dreams of loved ones asking for help, and generally don’t look okay.
      • In this scenario, a family member or very close loved one (if no family is available) would use the following prayer formula:
        • I would please ask the Band of Mercy to take (insert the person’s name and full address here) into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate, in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
      • How do you know they got into the Light? Visits stop, weird things in the house stop, dreams happen where the person looks young, happy, and healthy.
    • The Band of Mercy helps redeem souls back to God by physically removing them from the outer darkness and placing them into the Light or into protected sanctuary.
      • Living humans occupy the 1st-3rd dimensions
      • The outer darkness (where Earthbound souls are trapped) is the 4th Everything in the 4th dimension is as solid as is in the 3rd dimension.
  • Archangels & Angels
    • Four major Archangels exist, and many legions of angels under the Archangels. There are also many councils of angels
      • Uriel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel
      • Metatron is the Universal Archangel for our Universe
    • By calling upon the appropriate Archangel and/or Angel and their legions, you’re ensuring that you’re given the best possible assistance for your particular situation
  • B’Nai Or
    • The Great White Brotherhood, of which exists 70 different sects
    • They are not human and never have been, but serve as master spiritual teachers. They were Christ’s teachers
    • They have a great deal of authority, they can give you protection, and there’s a lot that they can take care of.
    • All of these groups recognize the resonance of their names and they also recognize the resonance of the names of God that provide them with authority.


Extra Resources

  • More information about the Angelics can be found in the Glossary of The Keys of Enoch, by J.J. Hurtak. However, if you’re not ready for the information, the words will appear as gibberish. When you’re ready for them, they will expand your consciousness and knowledge in a really, really cool ways.
  • Pistis Sophia is a lighter read than The Keys of Enoch, but still has wonderful information.
  • Communication with the Spirit World of God by Johannes Greber. Simple, yet very accurate information that has been verified by Carol through her spiritual work.