Tag Archives: Healing

HIV Stasis Prayer

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In order to be able to successfully put the HIV virus into stasis, you must have developed spiritual authority. Having said the Lifting on a daily basis for three months is sufficient to build the authority needed to complete this. You must do this with the patient on the phone or in their physical presence. If the condition has developed into full-blown AIDS, you would replace the phrase “HIV virus” with “HIV/AIDS virus” throughout; it’s important not to use the phrase AIDS virus unless it is truly full-blown AIDS. The patient must also be counseled, as they can re-pervert the virus through depression and negative thinking. People with high spiritual vibrations cannot contract the HIV virus.

 Step One

Say the Daily Lifting.

“I call forth the energy of whatever is triggering the HIV. I dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I call forth the energy of whatever is triggering the HIV. I dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.”

Step Two

“I would please ask that, if there is a demon with this energy, that Archangel Michael remove the demon in the name of Jesus Christ and do whatever he deems necessary with it, and I thank thee.”

Step Three

Call forth the thought form attached to the HIV virus. These thought forms are guilt created by social selective thinking.

“Thought form of the HIV virus, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and return unto God.

Thought form of the HIV virus, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and return unto God.”

Step Four

Call forth the energy and consciousness of the HIV virus.

“Consciousness of HIV virus, I unbind thee and release thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged and go into stasis through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ. I encase thee and seal thee in gold through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Heal and be whole in the name of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back to heal.

Consciousness of HIV virus, I unbind thee and release thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged and go into stasis through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ. I encase thee and seal thee in gold through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Heal and be whole in the name of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back to heal.”


Step Five

 “If it’s deemed appropriate, I would please ask for a member of the Legion of Pan to assist the virus along with any seeds, eggs, particles, young, and residue into the Light in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.”

Step Six

 Call forth the energy of the DNA and RNA of the patient. If you’re saying this for yourself, say “energy of my DNA and RNA”

“Energy of the DNA and RNA, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to no longer create or assist in the making of the seeds of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Energy of the DNA and RNA, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to no longer create or assist in the making of the seeds of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.”

The patient must do this reprogramming daily in order to not produce seeds.

 Step Seven

Call forth the consciousness of the DNA of the seeds of the HIV virus, and ask that the intelligence be raised for the time being..

“If it’s deemed appropriate, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to respond to the etheric mind and no longer reproduce growth of the seed of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back.

If it’s deemed appropriate, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to respond to the etheric mind and no longer reproduce growth of the seed of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back.”

Step Eight

 Call forth all cellular residue of the HIV virus.

“I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and be no more.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and be no more.”

 Step Nine

“I call forth the high energies of the body to promote new cellular production.

I call forth the high energies of the body to promote new cellular production.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to increase cellular production. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to increase cellular production. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

You may return now and God bless thee.”

Step Ten

Call forth the higher self of the patient. Tell the higher self that it must blend with the conscious mind and raise the vibration of the body to its highest level. Thank the higher self and return it.

5.1.2015 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the May 1st, 2015 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

We’ve worked to clear up some misconceptions about the information on the blog, so click here for more information about that!


Man isn’t God. Man isn’t smart enough to be God, and we need to respect God and all of God’s creations.


Your three Spirit Guides aren’t, weren’t, will never be, and have never been human. They are Holy Spirits that were left for us by Christ. Click here for some more information!


Sin is in the intent.



  • It’s very important not to overload yourself with too many formulae at once. Pick one (maybe two), do that formula, learn from it, let your body adjust, and then move on to more.


Healing Work

  • You don’t need any abilities to do the healing, but you do need to build your authority
  • Always make sure to get permission before you do prayer work of any kind on another person!
  • Never do healing before a scheduled surgery. Physical surgery interferes with the healing process and can cause negative side effects.
  • It helps greatly if the subject is open to the healing
  • You can only do a healing up to three times
  • All disease and accidents have an emotional/psychological root to it that you can correct by using kinesiology and Heal Your Body by Louise Hay!


Past Life Traumas

  • We touched upon past life traumas this week again, so click here for a refresher!!



  • Animals get to choose their paths to some extent
  • They come back from past lives into present to come back with you
  • Animals (except for being bound through black magic and extreme tragedy) always go into the Light
  • Animals also have lessons to learn
  • Invasions of critters (ants, spiders, roaches) can be a message to you from the Legion of Pan. Nature gives you messages via totems (check Animal Speak if you’re unsure of the meanings) if you’re open and aware. You make the statement to the Legion of Pan that you understand the message, thank them for the message, and then ask the appropriate Deva to remove them from your home in the name of Jesus Christ.
    • If they stay after being warned to leave, it’s okay to send them into the Light
  • All animals have consciousness, but all creatures have a purpose and a role in the circle of life *cue The Lion King theme song*



  • Offer 20% of your garden to the Legion of Pan, and in return, the Legion of Pan will protect your crops and do what they can to help them grow and flourish.



  • Illnesses occur because of what we don’t deal with in our heads
  • It comes out in our bodies, and Heal Your Body gives great insight into it




Soul-Level Forgiveness

  • Acknowledge the person in question as a creation of God in their most perfect state of being (not for who they are or what they’ve done) and forgive them as a creation of God that went askew.
  • You don’t have to forgive them for anything they did/didn’t do.
  • This helps you not take it personally
    • NOTHING is personal


Solar Plexus Aches

  • Your solar plexus is God’s sounding board in your body
  • You can use kinesiology to ask questions to check to see who or what is causing the discomfort



  • A nexus point, which can be connected to other nexus points, will present a decision that needs to be made. Depending on the decision that is made, you can go on an entirely new timeline
  • Things can shift minutely, maybe something that you remembered on the old timeline doesn’t happen on the new timeline.
  • Time isn’t linear, but rather a big bunch of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.


Vengeful God vs. Loving God

  • The Old Testament is full of biblical laws, and getting mankind structured through the rabbis of that time. It wasn’t 100% done by God, it was interpretations
    • There were more than 10 commandments, but they got narrowed down
  • There was some harshness that came as a result of a falling away of some aspects of God. To Carol’s understanding, that has been corrected.

8.1.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the August 1st, 2014 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version

Ghosts are human souls, stuck in the Outer Darkness. Say the Daily Lifting and get them back to God.



  • You do not have to have the gift of healing to be able to use the healing formulas
    • The more authority you develop, the more healing capabilities you will have
      • Having spiritual authority means that you build a reputation with God’s Spirit Community and this reputation allows them to do what you ask them to do. It demonstrates that you are serious and sincere, which makes them more willing to do what you ask and need them to do.
      • You develop authority by doing the Daily Lifting on a daily basis
        • The Spirit Community recognizes who you are, that you want to learn and grow and evolve, and that you’re willing to put in the time and energy
        • God’s Spirit Community knows they can trust you, and that you will listen
      • We can all assist in performing miracles through these formulas and the power of God
  • When you use the formulas, you do not do the healing.
    • God does the healing
    • Think of yourself as tools in the hands of God
  • When using the healing prayer:
    • Stay 100% focused on the words, on the healing, on what you’re doing so that you don’t go into a negative or self-doubting state of mind
  • To hear about Carol’s first experience with healing, listen to part one of the recording from 3:00-6:00.


Prayer Formulas

  • Carol’s Guides gave her prayer formulas, and these most be done in a specific way for them to be effective
  • A formula is “a fixed form of words, when used in a specific context”
  • When used exactly, it works.
  • The Daily Lifting and the Basic Healing Formula are formulas
    • See the Names of God for information about the names called upon in the Daily Lifting
    • Why Protected Sanctuary?
      • It allows beings to be redeemed back to God
      • You have to give them at least two options, so they can exercise their free will. You can narrow their choices, but they have to be able to choose.
    • When in doubt, then say “if it’s deemed appropriate”


We’re never alone!

  • 3 spirit guides, 1 guardian angel, and countless members of God’s Spirit Community are with you
    • Carol’s guardian angel is a black man who appeared in a suit
  • Plus you have attachments and past life attachments to contend with
  • And you’re wading through the energy of the Earth and everyone around you



  • Provided that we are born from the Light, we choose our parents, our spouses, our lessons… Nothing is a curse, they are lessons
  • You chose these lessons to overcome them, grow, evolve, and be better than them
    • We sometimes choose our family as a means of overcoming them and their negativity
  • Don’t worry about being them or making the same mistakes as them.
  • We’re all dysfunctional or we wouldn’t be here!
  • The purpose on Earth is to become the best that we can be, and our highest potential!
  • If there is a lesson, you will always be given your lessons
  • We’re not supposed to sacrifice ourselves to help others
    • You can’t fix another human being



  • Everyone and all living things have an aura!
    • The white line above trees? That’s their aura!
  • There’s a lot of misinformation about auras, but the color chart has information straight from source.


Shaddais (35:00 to 50:00)

  • Six-pointed star, consisting of a right side up triangle placed on top of a downward facing triangle within a circle
    • There is no weaving of the triangles, like with the Star of David
    • Don’t wear a Shaddai with the downward facing triangle outward, as this is inviting a demonic attack
  • Means “God over Satan”
  • Can be drawn on a piece of paper, tattooed, silver… Any medium is effective with the Shaddai. It is the shape that conveys the protection.
    • If you wear a silver Shaddai and go under demonic attack, then the upside-down triangle will turn black.
      • Ask the Band of Mercy to place a silver egg around yourself if this happens
      • Ask Archangel Michael and his legions for assistance, as well.
    • Offers protection against negative universal entities


The Demonic (18:00-23:00, 45:00-50:00)

  • There are three steps to demonic attack
    • Oppression, obsession, and possession
    • Say the lifting, put your mind in a better place, and remind yourself that you’re a child of God
  • The Demonic are cockroaches, Christ is Raid
    • Take your authority through Christ and God
    • The Demonic are less than peons compared to God
  • Don’t be afraid, because they will prey on your fears
  • They can attach to souls, but humans cannot attach to demons
    • The demonic can bring forth human spirits to mess with you
    • With these
  • They’re not unaware, they choose to ignore truth
  • For protection against the demonic, pentagrams and crosses are best.
  • This is your friendly reminder to NEVER challenge the demonic.
    • We’re not physically their equals
    • Command them away in the name of Jesus Christ, but do not engage them
  • Signs of a Demonic Attack
    • Three knocks on walls and ceilings
    • Three scratches
    • Oppression
    • Smelling sulfur, moldy earth, rotting flesh
    • Flashing lights
    • Moving furniture
    • Electronics turning off and on
    • Vexations
  • Can appear as a:
    • Burned man in overalls and a plaid shirt
    • Black shadow with red eyes
    • Black mist
    • Red glowing ball


Bound Spirits

  • There are Earthbound spirits who messed with the demonic, who got into dark magic, or who sold their souls and got themselves bound to the demonic
  • The Band of Mercy can’t remove them because they’re bound to the demonic, Archangel Michael can’t do anything because they’re not demons
  • You have to call upon the Glory Band of Mercy to remove them.
    • Human souls who were once servants of Satan, who were redeemed back to God, and who have chosen to become a member of the Glory Band
    • I would please ask the Glory Band of Mercy to remove whatever spirits they have domain over now that are attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, my family, my pets, my home, my property, and all that I have domain over now, and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.



  • People believe (mistakenly) that they own property
    • We own nothing, not even our bodies
  • People, and groups of people, can attach to property that they believe they own
  • People can also affect ley lines and vortexes to manipulate them, and allow negative entities to flow through them
    • Everything has vortexes, even your body! (link to chakras)


State of Mind is KEY!

  • It’s your responsibility to put yourself in a better state of mind
  • You psych yourself up, give yourself a little pep talk, and carry on with your business!



  • Everything that is not human has a deva
    • Stones, rocks, trees, animals
  • They’re nature spirits
  • If you go digging for crystals, ask the Legion of Pan to send the deva of crystals to help you find crystals

Prayer for Tumors

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.

This formula can be used on other tumors, just omit the word brain. One time for this formula should be sufficient, but without making the appropriate emotional changes for the tumor (as outlined in Heal Your Body by Louise Hay), it is likely that the tumor will return.

Energy and consciousness of brain tumor, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of brain tumor, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and restore and to shrink as is appropriate to the body. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and restore and to shrink as is appropriate to the body. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Heal and be whole, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Immune System Prayer

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.

Energy and consciousness of the immune system, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of the immune system, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to rebalance, as is appropriate for the body, and to release from the memory of Epstein-Barr. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, and seal thee and encase thee in gold, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to rebalance, as is appropriate for the body, and to release from the memory of Epstein-Barr. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, and seal thee and encase thee in gold, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Heal and be whole in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Hereditary Diseases & Illnesses

Please click here for a PDF version


This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.


One time should be sufficient.


Energy and consciousness of the hereditary linked gene for illnesses, sicknesses and diseases of the physical body, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of the hereditary linked gene for illnesses, sicknesses, and diseases of the physical body, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, strengthen the positive, and infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. 

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, strengthen the positive, and infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Return in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


If you know the name of the hereditary weakness, you can insert that name in the place of “illnesses, sicknesses, and diseases.”

Mind Control Removal

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.


This prayer will be effective after one use, but you can repeat it if you feel the need.


I call forth all negative mind control programming and imprinting, placed on me by all negative outside sources, come forth.

I call forth all negative mind control programming and imprinting, placed on me by all negative outside sources, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, and reprogram thee to dissolve and disperse and to restore clarity, balance, and logic, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, and reprogram thee to dissolve and disperse and to restore clarity, balance, and logic, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Cellular Memory Prayer

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.

Physical problems or birth defects, and diseased organ, bone, or tissue problems are very often carried over from the cellular memory of a past life. This can deal with any area of the body. One time should be sufficient for this formula.

Energy and consciousness of all past life through present life negative cellular memory, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of all past life through present life negative cellular memory, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore to the state that God originally intended thee to be, and I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Return back to God, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


Energy and consciousness of past life cellular memory of pain, trauma, torture, and death, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of past life cellular memory of pain, trauma, torture, and death, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee and send thee back to God, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Cancer Prayer

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.

This formula is for cancer that does not involve tumors. One time should be sufficient, but if you do not make the appropriate person changes (as outlined in Heal Your Body), the cancer may return. If you know the type of cancer, you can name it specifically.


Energy and consciousness of cancer, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of cancer, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Heal and be whole in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Basic Healing Formula

Please click here for a PDF version

This is a healing prayer so remember to use the appropriate hand placement! When healing yourself, cup your palms and face them slightly inward. When healing another person who is out of reach, cup your palms and face them outward. When healing another person who is within reach, place your right hand on the affected area and your left hand facing up and out. Remember that, as a general rule, you shouldn’t do more than one healing prayer on a person a day.


Energy and consciousness of injury, pain, and trauma, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of injury, pain, and trauma, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ, through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ, through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Heal and be whole in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit.

Surgery Prayers

Please click here for a PDF version

Anesthesia leaves us wide open spiritually, but there are times in our lives when going under general anesthesia is medically necessary. Should you find yourself or a loved one in this situation, it is wise to say the following prayers.


Make sure to get the doctor’s name, the time of the procedure, and the address (floor and room if at all possible) of where the procedure will be taking place. If you’re praying for a friend or loved one, make sure to obtain their permission (if they are unable to give permission, then the closest relative- by blood or marriage- can give permission). If they’re under 13, you’ll need to obtain a parent’s permission.


It would be wise to say the daily lifting over yourself or the patient on a daily basis while you/they are on pain medication.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear all doctors and nurses, including (doctor’s name, anesthesiologist’s name, and any other names that you have) who will be performing my (or the name of whoever you’re praying for) procedure that will be taking place at (time of procedure) at (location of procedure), and take whatever was attached to them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be with myself (or with whomever you’re praying for) during the procedure to lessen pain and promote quick healing, and after the procedure to ensure that I (or they) heals and is whole and in the state that God originally intended thee to be. I ask this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear myself (or the name and location of the person you’re praying for) after the procedure of whatever might have attached to me (them), and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.