Tag Archives: Children of God

Jesus Christ: His Sacrifice & Our Redemption

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Information about Jesus was given to Carol through her Guides and verified via the Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty. And in Jesus Christ His only (begotten) Son our Lord, who was born of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary; crucified under Pontius Pilate, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost; the holy Church; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; (the life everlasting).

Old Roman Form of the Apostles’ Creed, the oldest known version


Jesus Christ was not God, and He taught that we are all children of God. He spoke often of His Father, God, and made a clear distinction between God and Himself. The Holy Trinity exists; there is God, there are the Holy Spirits (who were left behind by Christ after His death to be our teachers and our comforters), and there is Christ.


Jesus Christ doesn’t equal religion. Where religion is concerned, you have man’s concept of what and who God is; Christ didn’t have a Church, Christ taught for us to connect and to work like He did, not to go to another human being for God. Christ did know His purpose and His mission, which was to be the Redeemer. Not the Messiah, per se, but the Redeemer. He had to show the power of God through His actions, such as His healing work, and raising the dead. He showed that God could work through man, and He taught others to do the same. Christ taught that all races, sexes, and creeds are equal in God’s eyes; none are greater, none are lesser. Christ often got frustrated with His disciples because they didn’t seem to understand that they could do the same things He did (healing work, miracles, etc.); His disciples lacked self-worth, because the dark side stole it from them. Christ taught how to stop the demonic by casting them out and showing that God had domain even over fallen angels. Through Christ’s name, we too have power over the demonic.


Jesus went through the Baptism to show others a way to be freed of their sins. At Passover, Christ was teaching His disciples what He was going to do: He was going to sacrifice His body and His blood for all of mankind. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He pled with God to relieve Him of His burden, knowing that He had to do it of His own free will. Christ gave Himself over to the dark side 100%, so that they could do whatever they wanted to do to Him. He knew that He could call upon God’s Spirit Community to aid him but He didn’t, He remained silent, and this sacrifice gave Him the right to enter Hell. Upon Crucifixion, Christ’s soul was taken to the depths of Hell for 3 days, where He faced Satan and freed all souls. After freeing the souls, Christ created the tunnel of Light that allowed anyone, anywhere to accept Him and His Light and be with God. Before Christ, no man was allowed to enter Heaven; even the most righteous men were bound into the Outer Darkness. After His 3 days in Hell, He returned to His body on the physical plane. He told Mary Magdalene not to touch Him, because He was unclean and had yet to be cleansed after His time in Hell. During this time, He taught for 40 days until He ascended into Heaven. In South America, Mexico, Latin Americas, there is information about Christ’s teachings. They spoke of a white, bearded man, believed to be Jesus during the timeframe of the Pentecost.


Jesus wasn’t the only master to live on Earth, but He was the only master to allow for Redemption and to overcome the demonic. Christ gave His life so that ALL could be redeemed back to God, so long as they accept Christ. Redemption requires no belief system; it’s available for all of us. Romans 11:23 states that even the demonic “will be grafted in again as soon as they abandon their unbelief. God is well able to graft them in again.”


There is power in Christ because of the Blood of the crucifixion. If you encounter the demonic and show them a wooden, iron, or silver cross, they will flee. Wooden cross, because of the wood of the cross of the crucifixion; silver cross because of the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus (Judas was bound to betray Jesus, and He played a crucial part in the Redemption process.); iron because of the iron nails used to affix Jesus to the cross. The cross and the crucifix will both work equally as well.


You must pray your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ for them to be effective.