Tag Archives: carnelian

4.17.2015 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the April 17th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.

God doesn’t need religion. Man uses religion for his own purposes. Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes man can distort and misuse religion.


We had a refresher course on kinesiology, so click here for more information!



  • Most pregnant women have a protective shield around them, which causes the “glow”
  • This protection is only broken if you use drugs, alcohol, etc. while pregnant
    • A broken shield means that any soul from the Light or Outer Darkness can be born as your child


Lying and Truth

  • Truth is absolutely everything, and people know on a soul level where you’re coming from
    • Truth is honest, solid, and people can’t argue with it
  • Raise your kids with absolute truth, and break family chains of manipulation and guilt trips.
    • Truth gives them self-confidence from the inside out
  • When you lie, you sin against yourself and your soul
    • It’s even worse when we lie to ourselves!
  • You lie because you know you’re doing something you don’t want anyone to know about. Lies are covers and shields against something you’re doing knowingly.
  • Be as honest as you possibly can
  • Lying allows the dark side to come in and mess with your life
  • Some people feel they have to lie for purposes of business, family members, friendships, but you don’t have to do that. When you’re honest, people react to honesty and accept honesty.
  • Lying to someone to protect their feelings is doing them a disservice.
    • Lying to them hurts them on a soul level
    • If you really don’t want to hurt feelings, then don’t say anything
  • You shouldn’t be mean or manipulate with honesty.
  • You have to come from a good place in the soul, saying things truthfully, and refraining from doing harm to another soul.
  • Avoid opinions, because they can vary from person to person. Absolute universal truth is the way to go.
  • Working with the truth, with the intent to be honest, brings about change for the positive. People will either open up and react, or they’ll shut down and close up. Either way, it’s okay… If they shut down, then they’re not ready for the truth
    • We filter out what we’re not ready to hear and understand
    • Everything around us shapes our filters, but a soul-to-soul truth bypass these filters
      • Using the phrase “on a soul level, I need to speak to you” and it reaches them. Use this with great caution and respect. This isn’t something to use all the time, so be mindful.



  • You don’t have to take responsibility for other peoples’ reactions to your opinions, beliefs, and actions.
  • No one has the right to judge anyone else’s actions, whether it be good, bad, or otherwise
  • Everyone has the right to his or her opinions, even ignorant opinions.


Experiences vs. Beliefs

  • Experiences are real, things that you know to be true
  • It’s the difference between “believing in” God, spirits, or the demonic and KNOWING them to be a real, true fact
  • When you know something’s true, then you don’t have to carry a belief system



  • You don’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” and taking your authority
    • Working from a place of truth with the word “no” is the most powerful
  • Guilt is from the dark side, and they will use it to mess with your head
    • God gives conscience, Satan gives guilt
  • Guilt is manipulation, always.
  • Teach your kids not to accept guilt trips and it will protect them.



  • You can’t control anyone other than yourself, and you can’t take responsibility for what you can’t control
  • It’s hard enough to take your own responsibility for who you are and what you do
  • Tons of people want to blame you for their issues and their lack of responsibility
  • If they try to blame you, say “this is your problem, this is your issue, and I take no responsibility for your choices and decisions” (or some kinder, applicable variant of that J)
  • Stand your ground, and say “I do not accept your guilt trip.” Don’t comment about it, don’t feed into it. Just say that you don’t accept it and move on.
  • If somebody isn’t 100% there, don’t take it seriously. It’s not about you.
  • If you feed into it, you’re in trouble.



  • Decision-making is how we use our free will
  • When we make decisions from a place of truth, it’s solid and foolproof. People won’t argue with truth.
  • If you have a nasty feeling in your solar plexus, or have a bad feeling about a situation, you can figure out who the person is and what the situation is. Either put their face in your mind screen or say their name… If the solar plexus gets worse, then that’s the answer. (Kinesiology also works.) Once you figure it out, work through possible scenarios that come out of truth, then the feeling will totally dissipate. Stand in truth without emotions.



  • When worn bead to bead on the left hand, it’s protection against negative energies
  • It works in synergy with obsidian and smoky quartz
  • For more information, click here!



  • Whenever you are affected by negative energies, even when wearing carnelian or other protections, go outside and shake your hands out on the ground. Not over anyone or anything except the ground
  • Salt baths cleanse your auric field, de-stress your body, and make you feel wonderful! 1/3 cup of iodized table salt in a bath! The cheap, plain stuff works wonders!



  • When Carol taps into a handwriting sample or a photograph, she energetically merges with the individual’s signature energy frequency
    • Your energy shifts as you go through life experiences
    • Carol can use the signature frequency to update a picture of a child from the time of the photograph to present day
  • Carol’s like a radio. When she tunes into your individual station, then she gets your music!
  • When she touches into a murderer, she feels a gross feeling in her solar plexus, a gurgle of blood up her throat, and then she sees the murder through the killer’s eyes


Pentacles, Pentagrams, and Symbols

  • Most symbols go back to the Seals of Solomon
    • King Solomon was the king over all of the tribes of Israel. He was given tools and knowledge through God, as he was anointed by God
  • The pentagram and the Shaddai give authority over negative and demonic through the power of God
  • For more information about protections, click here!


Being in the Light

  • Loved ones will be waiting for you IF they make it into the Light
    • If they don’t make it into the Light, they’ll be reborn
    • If you have a family member pass before you, it is HIGHLY advised to pray them into the Light.
    • You can pray for yourself as a spiritual insurance policy!
  • Everyone is shown the Light, UNLESS you make a pact with dark ones. If you make pacts, then you may be snatched up by dark ones like in the movie “Ghost”


Building Authority

  • You have to build authority by saying the Daily Lifting consistently for about 3 months before you’ll be able to get good results with the other prayer formulae.

Stones & Gems

Please click here for a PDF version


This list is by no means exhaustive but meant for a general reference.


Stones & Gems

This list is of stones with which Carol has worked. Stones are tools from God to help humans.

Abalone: brings in flow to help you flow with situations and gives you more flexibility on an emotional level.

African Turquoise: brings healing of mind, body, and spirit. African turquoise works particularly well in healing the emotional body, which in turn heals physical body.

Amazonite: brings peacefulness; helps to sooth the soul when frustration hits; and eases problematic situations for better understanding and clarity.

Amethyst: aids in higher spiritual connectedness.

Ammonite: helps to magnify psychic abilities and brings wisdom.

Andalusite (Chiastolite): offers protection from all negative energies, especially in crowds.

Angelite: brings peaceful bliss.

Apple Jasper: blood purifier, especially blood flowing through the lungs and liver.

Apple Green Jasper: has been known to help stimulate the thymus gland if worn around throat area. Red labradorite will enhance it. It doesn’t want to be stored in plastic. It likes granite. It is a positive stone and makes you feel happy.

Aqua Terra Agate: enhance life’s flow, the flow of joy throughout the day. Enhanced by white or blue opal. Onyx negates it and causes it to be ineffective.

Artic Blue Impression Jasper: brings joy into a dreary life, bring up endorphins, and stimulate movement in the body. Good for exercise and athletes. 

Aventurine – green: brings prosperity

Azurite: balances out the emotional systems. Historically, azurite has been known to help with certain types of mental imbalances, such as Bipolar Disorder.

Black Druzy: helps bring content when alone to whomever uses or wears the stone.

Black Cinnabar: has been known to help to clear bronchi when below the neck but above the breast. 

Black Labradorite: intensifies vibration and strengthens character and foundation.

Black Tourmaline: helps heal traumas from past and present lives, when placed on the Sacral (2nd) Chakra.

Bloodstone: historically known to aid the circulatory system with issues such as heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Boji Stones: come in pairs with male, which feels rough to the touch, and female, feels smooth, and there is a light magnetism between the stones. These stones open the owner to aid in communication with nature. Stones should always be worked together with the male in the left hand and the female in the right hand.

Blue Goldstone: has been known to be helpful with depression and works by helping to pull you out of the “midnight of the soul”.

Brown Goldstone: helps stop internal shakiness and has been known historically to help with mild tremors. 

Brown Obsidian: enhances physical and emotional growth, stimulates the mind and brain activity, and brings balance into effect. 

Brown Mother of Pearl: helps with flow, strength, invigoration, brings a resistance of negativity and isolation, lifts the intellect, clears thinking and resolve, and opens you up on social levels, also brings into effect deep understanding of all things.

Byzmuth Geodes: synchronizes your way of thinking and helps to put you back in synchronicity and helps synchronize and restore frequency. 

Caribbean Blue Druzy: purifies and helps with communication, emotional stabilizer, releases negativity especially with the throat (5th) chakra, brings peacefulness and calming influences, and helps in releasing old resentments.

Carnelian: must be worn on the non-dominate wrist with beads touching. It protects you from losing your energy to people who drain you, which when worn allows sensitive people to go out in crowds without feeling drained and exhausted after. When worn with obsidian, it creates a synergy that is a stronger protection against energy loss. 

Carnelian (Dark red/black): contains the energies and keep them in their perfect flow and redistribute electrical flow when out of balance. 

Citrine: brings balance to the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and is particularly helpful when placed on the Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra. 

Cobalt Impression Jasper: enhances logic and logical thinking and any other stones which deal with logic. Good for teachers, psychologists, mathematicians, and people who work in logical fields. Enhances stones that deal with emotions by helping you deal with the situation with logic which can enhance by leveling out the emotions.

Coral: helps bring strength and flow

Dalmatian Jasper: helps to transmit, receive, and understand information and should be worn close to heart charka. Yellow labradorite enhances. Don’t store in hard plastic.

Desert Spirit Stone: tunes communication on higher level, brings forth unseen knowledge, and sharpens intuition.

Dragon Blood Jasper: helps to correct and rebalance hormones and restore hormones dealing with the ovaries, therefore can help with menopause and hot flashes and could possibly help you get pregnant. Has been known to help dealing the spiritual and emotional aspects of sexual trauma such as rape, abuse, incest, and abortion. Could be used with black tourmaline to increase the removal of any type of sexual trauma present or past life. The black tourmaline must be placed on the sacral chakra (next up from root chakra) by itself with dragon’s blood jasper on a different part of body, not on chakras.

Dragon Stone: gives sanity, sense of self-worth, sensibility, and helps you become proactive in your life; heightens awareness; brings tranquility from the peacefulness you get from your sense of self-worth; and helps communication. 

Druzy: are basically the inside of a geode, and help bring energy to the wearer. 

Elite Shungite: helps to ease pain. In raw form, you must use two stones to complete the circuit, or one cut pyramid shaped stone. It also purifies water. 

Fluorite: helps with healing overall and magnifies all other stones dealing with healing, such as jaspers, by creating a synergy. 

Garnet: helps with mental focus on a specific task, especially studying and tests.

Golden Labradorite (Bytownite): magnifies any stones you pair with it.

Golden Pyrite (Fool’s Gold): brings chaos. Not necessarily a stone to use on its own. Might benefit perfectionists to bring into effect balance and may also help people with OCD.

Gray and White Banded Agate: enhances chakras when it is placed on the chakra. Makes them brighter. Known to help back pain through the chakras by placing on the sacral chakra. It likes cold storage, not hot.

Green Goldstone: brings passion back to the heart; passion for life, passion for everything. 

Green Obsidian: helps to on all levels and aspects; bring serenity, peace and harmony; release judgment; and bring integrity and optimism.

Green Tree Jasper: helps lightens the heart, make for better flow, and reduce tension; helps to spice up life and awaken interest; helps to move forward in life. Good for 2nd year widow(ers).

Hematite: helps ground and balance the physical body and promotes overall health and is a naturally magnetic stone. If you have ever gone to a rock and gem show and experienced overwhelming energies from the stones, wear hematite jewelry or keep a single stone on your person, and it will keep you protected and in balance.

Hiddenite: helps bring up both physical and emotional immunity system and helps immunity across the board seemingly by working like shield and also heightens awareness. 

Impression Jasper: helps in manifesting what you need if you don’t get in your own way. Internal blockages such as bad programs can negate it. (Ex. – negative beliefs given by parents, siblings, etc, that you carried forward from childhood into adulthood.) Remember manifesting can be positive and/or negative so be aware. 

Jade: brings peace and tranquility and helps to heal a broken heart. Good for loss of a loved one. Good for 1styear widow(ers). 

Kyanite: aids in telepathy.

Labradorite: brings out positive aggressiveness for the wearer when worn mid chest, over the heart chakra and must be worn in this position to be effective. You DO NOT need this stone, nor should you wear or handle it if you already have positive aggressiveness or aggressiveness of any type. It could actually harm you and/or harm the stone. 

Lapis Lazuli: promotes universal connectedness. 

Lepidolite: aids in transitions. Creates a synergy with pink tourmaline to help ease transition and bring strength during transitions.

Malachite: brings forth bounty and fruitfulness.

Mardi Gras (mixed Impression) Jasper: helps to embrace life and the moment; seize the opportunity; and not hesitate or procrastinate. Don’t wear it in the water. As each stone is a little different in color combinations, the more blues helps in seizing life, the up part, whereas the more reds detour procrastination. 

Metallic Peacock Agate: can be incorporated with other healing stones to amp up the healing.

Mexican Obsidian: invokes earth energies. Good for farmers and household planting and gardening. Enhanced by red labradorite, should not be worn or stored with onyx, and likes to be stored in a natural substance such as wood or rock.

Midnight Blue Impression Jasper w/Bronzite: makes you realize your ambition and pushes self-confidence and self-expression.

Moldavite: is created when a meteor strikes the earth’s surface. It helps open the Third Eye (6th) Chakra

 Moonstone: brings you to a greater level of connectedness with God by opening your 8th Chakra, when placed on the 8th Chakra which is about 2 inches above the Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

Mother of Pearl: brings abundance and wealth and soothes troubled minds.

 Mystic Topaz: strengthens the auric fields, strengthens equalizer and a good balancer on all levels.

 Nuummite: expels negativity, helps to recenter, releases negative programs which stop evolvement, protects against darkness so it can’t stay, deletes darkness. If you are dealing with a traumatic dark event such as a murder or suicide, placing the stone on your heart chakra may help to alleviate the darkness you are feeling. Combining it with wearing angelite may help even more.

 Obsidian: helps open psychic channels. Creates a synergy with carnelian that strengthens protection against energy loss.

 Olive Jade:  clears and cleans the heart of all deception and stops the jaded heart. Good for a breakup.

 Onyx: helps protect from negative energies.

 Opalite: soothes the wearer, restores vigor, and helps release nervous energy while giving back positive energy.

 Petrified Wood: helps to ease arthritic pain.

 Petrified Wood w/Agate: has been known to help alleviate inflammation and corrects the joints back to where they once were, therefore helping with arthritis.

 Pink Opal: helps to tone down and soothe emotions for hot tempered, hot blooded, emotional people.

 Prehnite: is an “elite” stone which helps clarify and purify the essences of the auric, emotional, physical, and mental bodies; heightens overall frequency; and helps heal your mind of burdens.

Quartz Crystals: magnify energy, are capable of holding an extraordinary amount of information and energy, and are programmable but must be cleansed first.

 Red Creek Jasper: helps with intestines by balancing the acid in the stomach and intestines.

 Red Granite: strengthens the heart chakra.

 Red Jasper: historically known as a cleanser and a filter for blood and the liver and can be used for blood and liver issues. Onyx negates it, and red goldstone enhances it.

Red Jasper w/Pyrite: historically known to cleanse the body and the blood as a purifier and detoxifier of blood, helps balance red and white blood cells, and is known to help with blood cancers such as leukemia.

Red Zincite: unblocks and opens the root chakra and opens up sexuality and passion.

 Rose Quartz: vibrates at the energy of love and historically has shown to be useful in healing the lungs and to work for chest cold, etc.

 Ruby in Zoisite: historically, ruby-in-zoisite has been known to help with sugar diabetes. For best results, place the stone directly over the pancreatic region.

Sandalwood: repels the demonic. They don’t like the smell of it.

Sage Artistic Stone: Illuminates (to enlighten spiritually or intellectually), creates understanding and opens you for knowledge and understanding knowledge.

Selenite: (Satin Selenite or Satin Spar) historically known to remove muscle soreness.

Shiva Lingam: helps the owner “go with the flow”.

Snowflake Obsidian: protects your aura from outside negative energies which have been directed towards you, including black magic.

Smoky Quartz: helps protect you from negative energies and is also helpful in unblocking the chakras safely and naturally.

Sunstone: brings strength and balance.

Tanzanite: gives you intense mental and physical focus allowing you to speed through tasks. It will help you to clean and organize quickly by wearing a ring on each hand.

 Tiger Eye: helps to strengthen will and character.

 Watermelon Tourmaline: historically has been known to aid with the healing of cancer, although it will not cure the cancer.

White Agate: refreshes and helps to restore new ideas, new concepts, eases the mind and opens it to other dimensions. Wear on non-dominate wrist. It likes water.

White Druzy: helps you spring back to life such as when you have dulled down or overburdened for a long period of time, ex. – long term caregiver.

 White Howlite:  connectivity to God.

 Yellow Jasper: known as the “traveler’s stone”, has historically been known to ease stomach and bowel problems and may help to regulate bowels and their issues you may have, especially when traveling and away from your daily routine.


Please click here for a PDF version


  • When worn as a solid band around the middle finger of the left hand, or as a bracelet worn bead-to-bead around the left wrist, carnelian protects you from losing your energy to people who drain you (psychic vampires).
  • Carol calls this her “Wal-Mart” bracelet, as it allows sensitive people to go out in crowds without feeling drained and exhausted after.
  • When worn with obsidian, it creates a synergy that is a stronger protection against energy loss


The Cross

  • Must be silver, wooden, or iron
    • Silver, due to the thirty pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus
    • Wooden, due to the wooden cross Jesus was crucified on
      • Can even be made out of popsicle sticks
    • Iron, due to the nails that affixed Jesus to the Cross
  • The Cross symbolizes Jesus’ defeat of Hell, Satan, and the demonic and thus provides protection from the demonic


Pentagram (5-sided star)

  • This is not a symbol of the occult; witches wear them for protection. The pentagram predates witchcraft.
    • It is imperative that it is worn with one point up and two points down, as this represents God over Satan.
    • Wearing it with two points up and one point down represents Satan over God, and is equivalent to wearing a cross upside down.
  • The pentagram was given to King Solomon by Archangel Raphael to give him absolute authority over the demonic. This symbol predates Jesus and the cross, so it offers similar protection.
  • Wearing the pentagram (must be silver) with a cross offers extra protection against the demonic.


Salt Baths

  • ½ cup of iodized table salt in bath water
  • Soak for as long as you feel is needed, and dunk your head under at least once
    • Ladies, feel free to use a washcloth around your head to avoid getting your hair wet. Just be sure that you cover all of your head.
  • Not only will the salt bath cleanse your aura and help you de-stress and relax, it will provide protection against the demonic.
    • Can be useful if your dreams feel particularly dark.
  • If you experience demonic attacks while in dream state, you MUST command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. You’ll find yourself able to do so in dream state, but it can be useful to prepare yourself before bed by saying “if I have a demonic dream, I will command it out in the name of Jesus Christ.”



  • Six-pointed star, consisting of a right side up triangle placed on top of a downward facing triangle.
    • Don’t wear a Shaddai with the downward facing triangle outward, as this is inviting a demonic attack
  • Can be drawn on a piece of paper, tattooed, silver… Any medium is effective with the Shaddai. It is the shape that conveys the protection.
  • Offers protection against negative universal entities.

