Tag Archives: Band of Mercy

3.20.2015 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the March 20th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.


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Christ is Raid, and the dark side is a bunch of cockroaches. “I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.” The dark side are the best teachers we have; take your authority and you’ll be okay.


Are you traveling any time soon? If so, be sure to say these prayers and listen to part two from 3:00 to 5:00!


For information about the Band of Mercy and other members of God’s Spirit Community, click here!


Astrology and Birth Charts

  • Edgar Cayce Association is a great place to look for star charts and other astrology related topics.
  • With birth charts, the exact time, place, and date of your birth all factor into producing your unique birth chart
    • If you incarnate from the Light and you have a specific purpose, you can plan to be born under specific circumstances so that your birth chart matches with your goals
      • You also get the negative traits with the positive traits, so these may be things that you have to overcome



  • When you reincarnate from the Light, you can often reincarnate with the same groups of people to learn lessons
  • You can incarnate with souls you have problems with
  • You can incarnate with your “twin soul”


Cellular Memory

  • If you travel to a certain place where a trauma occurred in a past life, or reach a certain age when a trauma occurred, past life cellular memory trauma can be reactivated
  • You should use kinesiology to get to the root of the issue, and tap it out as soon as possible!


Opening Up Your Abilities

  • If you see angels, demons, spirits, energy, and/or aliens, know that they are real and that you’re seeing these things because you’re supposed to.
  • Lower-level phenomenon (such as on paranormal shows) isn’t God- that’s earthbound spirits and demons.
  • The Daily Lifting will keep you safe!
  • There’s a lot of information out there, but a lot of it is misinformation and a lot of people who don’t know what they’re doing.
    • Kundalini yoga, for example, can be extremely dangerous when people don’t know what they’re doing.
  • Get in touch with your guides!
  • When you start using the information on a daily basis, you will open up! Using the names of God will raise your energy frequency!


Christ and the Demonic

  • Remember to take your authority through Christ against the demonic
  • Christ is Raid, and the demonic are cockroaches. Spritz, spritz!
  • The demonic will use people you care about to hurt you


Eggs and Bubbles

  • Pink Bubbles of Love
    • If people are unpleasant or nasty towards you, put them in a pink bubble!
    • “I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put a pink bubble of love around (this person, with an address if you have it) in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee”, or visualize a bubblegum pink bubble around them.
      • It’ll make them happy and nice, and it lasts around 12 hours.
    • This is an extremely positive thing, particularly if someone just needs to be uplifted.
  • Silver Mirrored Eggs as a Teacher
    • If someone is sending you directed negativity, you can put him or her in an egg that is mirrored on the inside, so that their negativity will reflect back upon themselves.
    • “I would please ask the Band of Mercy to place (name and address, if available) in a silver egg that is mirrored on the inside now, in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.”
    • This is also good for about 12 hours
  • For more information about bubbles and eggs, click here!


Negative Thought Forms (Part One, 35:00-44:00 and Part Two 0:00-3:00)

  • We manifest constantly! Unfortunately, we manifest negativity more frequently than we manifest positivity. We are co-creators of our universes!
  • Thoughts are things, and they can attach to people.
  • Thought forms are in geometric shapes that are pretty colors.
  • Native American shamans called manifested thought forms “tulpas”
  • For more information about negative thought forms, including information on how to remove them, click here!



  • Spirits can partake in poltergeist activity, but teenagers can manifest kinetic energy to move things. This usually happens around age 13 and lasts around a year, but the activity is prevalent when the child is angry at a parent or something similar.



  • Energies, ancient energies, and spirits can all attach and affect soldiers returning from war
  • The daily lifting is absolutely invaluable for soldiers returning from war


Calling upon Angelics

  • You must call upon the Archangel ____ and their legions
  • There is a large amount of angels in the different legions, and they have authority to work under that Archangel so than many people in many different places can all get help at the same time.
  • Angels can walk upon the Earth. They can either come as messengers, or they can be born in and have an entire life here.

Travel Protections

Please click here for the PDF version

When traveling, it’s wise to use the following prayers to help ensure that your journey is as safe and stress-free as is possible! You’re allowing your Guardian Angel and/or Archangel Raphael (who is the archangel of traveling) and his legions to intercede should the need arise! It is also wise to say the Daily Lifting on a daily basis, and to also ask the Band of Mercy to clear any planes, boats, trains, and cars of any method you use in your travels; since your well-being is directly impacted by their actions, you can also clear the pilots, conductors, captains, and/or taxi drivers who are responsible for your travel.

I give my Guardian Angel permission to do whatever they deem appropriate to protect me while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

I would please ask Archangel Raphael and his legions to protect me in whatever ways are deemed appropriate while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

9.20.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording for the September 20th, 2013 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you ever try to put your hand on a table and it goes through the table, you have passed and you should ask for the Light!



  • People can attach to other people, objects, etc. when they pass
  • It’s best not to be too dependent or attached to anyone or anything
  • It’s best to say the lifting on a daily basis to ensure that you don’t have other souls attached to you
  • People who are sensitive are more likely to be “bothered” by spirits
    • They may want to get a message across, get help, give you a hard time, etc.
    • It’s our responsibility to get them into the Light
      • We do this using the Lifting
      • If an emergency, you can ask the Band of Mercy to remove them in the name of Jesus Christ and they’ll take care of it



  • Manifestations need to be spoken aloud
  • Ask that it come with no harm to yourself or anyone involved, and that it be to the highest good for yourself and everyone involved


Eggs and Bubbles

  • For more information about eggs and bubbles, please click here
  • Silver mirrored eggs are great protections
    • Mirrored on the outside and filled with White Light
  • You can ask for an egg of white light to be placed around you
    • You can walk into a crowded room and people will notice you
  • You can ask to be placed in a subdued golden bubble (not shimmery gold)
    • You’ll walk into the same crowded room and no one will notice you
    • It doesn’t make you invisible, but people will sort of ignore you
    • You can also put golden bubbles around people who are going to hurt themselves


Getting Along with Family

  • Stay out of their business
  • Don’t give them too much information about your business
    • That way they don’t have anything to come back on you with
  • Don’t give them advice. If they ask for it, understand that they may not take it.
  • Respect their right to be wrong (in your eyes) and to make bad/poor choices.
  • Don’t be afraid to say the word “no”!
    • You have to mean it!
    • You can’t feel guilty- you have to make the decision to enforce your “no”



  • In order to be healthy and whole human beings, we have to have boundaries
  • Not having boundaries enables people, which causes them more harm than good
  • Boundaries include setting hours in which it’s okay to call, requiring that they call before they visit, etc.
    • You have to set these boundaries and enforce them consistently


Guilt vs. Conscience

  • Guilt is from the dark side, conscience is from God
  • Guilt manipulates, haunts, and vexes you



  • It doesn’t do much for the other person but it will absolutely eat your lunch
  • You can ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ



  • You can ask Archangel Michael to remove any demons of jealousy
    • I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of jealousy from you in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to work with you to help remove specific fears; all negative emotions (jealousy, anger, revenge) stem from fear


The Dark Side

  • Guilt, fear, and negativity is all from the dark side
  • They’ll tell you to drive your car off a bridge, into a tree, etc.
  • They’ll tell you to commit suicide, and if you do it, you can be bound into dark service
  • If they put negative thoughts in your head, command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Take your authority, be firm, and be strong
  • For more information about the dark side, please click here



  • Suicide of all kinds, including assisted suicide, breaks the spiritual law of self-murder
  • Medically-assisted suicides don’t end any pain or suffering
  • You can refuse treatment, or refuse to eat, but you can’t take medicine to kill yourself
  • For more information about suicide, please click here



  • If you have dreams of someone that you don’t want to see, you’ve got options
    • You can ask the Divine Spirits to remove those dreams
    • You can program yourself so that, if they appear in the dream, you say “no”
    • You can visualize them standing in front of you, then visualize yourself slamming a heavy metal garage door between the two of you
  • If you have dreams of a loved one who has passed on, there are a couple of possibilities
    • If they look healthy and radiant, they’re in the Light. This is a visitation.
    • If they don’t look well, they’re asking for help, or if you just feel off, then they’re stuck in the Outer Darkness and you should pray them into the Light.


Sacred Geometry

  • Absolutely everything is based in sacred geometry
  • It’s the foundation for everything
  • Mandelbrot’s set is called the “thumbprint of God”

10.17.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the October 17th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version



  • For a lot of the prayer formulas, you have to build authority
  • The daily lifting is the best way to build your authority
    • You have to get someone’s permission to say the Lifting for them
      • If you say it every day for someone else, it’ll only work for about two months. At that point, they have to take responsibility for themselves and say it themselves.
      • You can say it over your spouse for longer periods of time, because any attachments could affect you. Be sure to get their permission once a year so that it remains effective.
  • Having spiritual knowledge also builds authority
    • The more you know, the better you can help others
    • Carol gives us spiritual knowledge, but we have to work hard still!
  • Living a spiritual life builds authority
    • Have integrity and you do the very best you can with what you have
      • Don’t try to fix people – it’s a guaranteed trap
    • You don’t lie, cheat, steal, or do mean things
    • Authority makes a huge difference when saying the soul cleansing prayer
      • Without authority, you can only help institute and seal their soul into their body
      • With authority, you can ask the Band to take them into the Light and cleansed and then institute and seal their soul into their body
  • With authority, you earn the ability to do more and call upon more of God’s Spirit Community
    • Band of Mercy deals primarily with souls, but in extreme emergencies, they can take care of pretty much anything
    • Archangel Michael deals with the demonic
      • If you’re dealing with demonic possession, then it is best to do commanding, binding and blessing, and/or the house cleansing and blessing between 12 noon and 3:00 PM
        • Christ passed at 3 PM on the cross, and this is why the demonic is weakest at that hour
      • The weeks before and after Halloween are particularly active with the demon, as humans have given the demonic free reign during this time
        • Keep your Halloween festivities light-hearted, and you’ll be fine
        • Don’t play in cemeteries, or call upon the dead!
          • There’s a lot of confusion and anger in the spirits there (Part one, 21:30–24:00)
          • If you go to a cemetery, say the Lifting afterwards
          • You could say “Those of you who have found yourself alive without your body, God wants you to come home. Look for the bright white light.” Then, ask for the Band of Mercy to show them the Light and assist anyone who wants their help


  • 200 mg of selenium per day can offer protection against the Ebola virus


Dream States

  • We are weakened, on a soul level, in dream state because we’re not aware
  • We work through our psychological “junk” in dream state, and we don’t necessarily remember them
    • Alcoholics who drink heavily and pass out will develop shakiness and hallucinations because they’re in a waking dream state. They don’t go into dream state while asleep, so their brains figure out a way to make it happen.
  • It’s okay not to remember our dreams, but if we do remember them, we need to pay attention to them
    • There’s probably a good meaning for you
  • The dark side is notorious for taking advantage of dream state.
    • They will vex you as you’re going in and out of dream state
    • They can attack you in dream state
      • Seeing demons, pigs, black snakes, vampires, black hooded figures
      • If this happens, you need to learn how to command in dream state
        • “I command you to leave now in the name of Jesus Christ”
      • Prep yourself. Tell yourself “if I have a demonic dream, then I’ll command them out in the name of Jesus Christ”
      • It’s a test. Your guides are allowing you to be tested so that you’ll grow
    • The dark side are great teachers, however, as they show you your weaknesses
      • Tell them thank you!
  • Spirit can also come to us in dream state
    • Relatives can come visit
      • If they’ve gone into the Light
        • Sometimes it will be in a grey area, where you’re allowed to touch and talk
        • Sometimes it’ll be in a country area
        • They’ll look healthy, younger, and they’ll glow. They’ll look good.
      • If they haven’t gone into the Light, they’ll be in a really bad condition
        • The look terrible, they’re still sick, they’ll ask for help, and you don’t feel right about them
      • People can come ask for help
  • Prophetic dreams
    • Usually occur in groups of three, at least two
    • It’s a warning, and you can change it
      • You can change how they die if they show you how someone dies. Warn them not to get into that specific situation
      • You can’t change it if it’s a funeral or after a funeral. They’re preparing you for that person’s passing. If this happens, it’s best to say these prayers to help aid you and the person who is going to be in transition

2.21.2014 Session Notes

The accompanying audio for the February 21st, 2014 NACC meeting can be found here.

Please click here for a PDF version



New Age Christian Church

  • Very different from most other churches, no dogmas.
  • Carol never intended on starting a church. She was raised Baptist, but wasn’t a fan of the ideas and concepts that were taught, including “going to hell” and whether or not you acted according to church beliefs.
  • Carol’s guides told her to open a church and call it “New Age Christian Church.” She listened, and was told that it was important because, in the future, people (including Carol herself) would need the church.
  • The church bridges the gap between Christianity and New Age information
    • Carol is not “New Age” fluffy, because she deals with the Dark side
    • All love and rainbows would be lovely, but that’s not Earth, that’s Heaven
    • “Be as meek and mild as a lamb, but as wise as a serpent”
    • Don’t hand your trust out, make people earn levels and layers of your trust
      • Trust is very, very valuable
    • Be a spiritual being, but don’t become a doormat
    • Your evolvement, and being an example to others is the key. If you can help others, that’s great, but it’s not the main focus.
  • The church isn’t a bridge to religion, but rather a bridge back to God and Christ.
    • God is much kinder and more forgiving to us than we are to ourselves
  • The church provides spiritual “meat” and answers to questions that various churches don’t provide.
  • The church provides a place for individuals to spiritually grow, evolve, and learn.
    • There is an entire spirit community waiting to help you, you need only ask.
  • God doesn’t need religion, but He wants us to be spiritual human beings. Carol tries to give spiritual information to those seeking the truth.
  • Attendance isn’t taken, but the church is open to those who truly want to be there and want to learn. Most people don’t come in with “missions”, but are placed here to learn and evolve.
  • Sometimes, old information will be covered repeatedly to accommodate new learners. It’s also beneficial to hear it more than once, as you will hear it with a new ear each time. You’ll only hear it when you’re ready.
  • The money raised by NACC goes to help pay the electric and power bills for those less fortunate, or helps members of the church when it is needed.


Human Soul & Body:

  • Our physical bodies serve as vessels for us to work through lessons
    • Mistakes and bad decisions are great ways to learn lessons
    • If you notice a pattern, ask God and your Guides to give you a word to help you identify the lesson to be learned, so that you can learn it quickly, easily, and harmlessly and prevent yourself from being harmed in the future.
    • The goal is to make your lessons as short, easy, and painless as possible
    • Some lessons come from other people, some lessons come from the Dark side
      • The Dark side consists of fallen angels, who were created by God
  • Our soul is a hologram and contains every aspect of God, and inhabits every cell of the physical body. Each cell is the seat of the soul, and we are made in His image.
  • Gut feelings are soul knowledge, and we need to learn to acknowledge them as such.
  • People who are more sensitive have a brighter light/aura and have a higher vibration than those who are less sensitive
  • We often reincarnate in various different ways
    • We can be bound together with people by traumas or by emotions (love or hate)
    • If we need to learn similar lessons, we can come in as a group to learn the lessons. These will be done until everyone “gets it”
    • We come in as both genders, as different races
      • If you hate it in one life, you’ll probably be it at some point or another
  • There are two cords that connect your soul to your body: one cord is silver and one is gold. The golden cord connects into your brain center, and the silver cord connects into your solar plexus.
    • Physical death involves the severance of both cords
    • When people are in comas, their golden cord is severed. This does not indicate physical death, however.
      • Carol helped pass the Brain Dead Law in the state of Arkansas
      • When the golden cord is severed, there is no coming back.
      • People in comas are in limbo and cannot move on
  • Astral projection involves the spiritual body traveling while the physical body still remains in one place; in this case, the cords remain connected and you can re-enter your physical body.
    • One case of this astral projection was when a member of England’s parliament was too sick to go in to cast a vote, so he stayed at home. While his physical body was at home, his spiritual body went to parliament, cast his vote, and photographs were taken of this man
    • Another case exists where a man lived for several months and got married in Hawaii while his physical body was in a coma in the States. The hotel staff remembered him; you could see where he signed in, yet he remembered nothing.
  • “Death” involves shedding the physical body but retaining the spiritual body, which still has physical properties. It is still material, and they still look the same as they did in their physical bodies, but different people have different densities, due to their different vibrational frequencies.
    • You have “pivotals”, or times in your life when you can choose to stay or go, that you put into place before you come into this life. If you choose to leave, you don’t break spiritual law. However, if you choose to commit suicide, you commit self-murder and break spiritual law (see below)
    • Requesting that no extreme measures are taken to prolong your life DOES NOT constitute suicide, and it is well within your spiritual rights to put these into place. This is allowing nature to take its course.
    • When you “die”, you’re shown a bright white light. You can choose to go into this Light and enter Heaven, or you can choose to stay in the Outer Darkness. You can reincarnate from both the Light and the Outer Darkness, but it is advantageous to incarnate from the Light as you get to plan your family, your tests, your trials, and your lessons.



  • Animals are nature spirits and are capable of large amounts of empathy
  • Unless animals are bound, then they will automatically go into the Light upon death
  • “Putting an animal down” does not constitute murder and doesn’t impede their spiritual journey in any way
  • If for some reason you feel that an animal is stuck, you can ask the Legion of Pan to assist them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary using the same basic prayer formula as when you would call upon the Band of Mercy



  • These are real things and have real repercussions!
  • Damning yourself, damning others can cause great harm. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it.
  • Words have power, and not knowing is not an acceptable excuse for avoiding repercussions.
  • If you feel that someone has damned you, the following formula is appropriate to use (speak the bolded words aloud, and use the parenthetical portions as directions):
    • Energy and consciousness of damnations that have been sent to me, I call thee forth now through the power of Jesus Christ, come forth. Energy and consciousness of damnations that have been sent to me, I call thee forth now through the power of Jesus Christ, come forth. Damnation, I now release thee and unbind thee (with palms facing inwards towards yourself, cross your hands and uncross them), turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee and return thee back to God through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Damnation, I now release thee and unbind thee (with palms facing inwards towards yourself, cross your hands and uncross them), turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee and return thee back to God through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.



  • Tarot cards have been around for centuries that were used for divination
    • These are tools to unlock your souls’ information.
    • They can foretell events, explain why events happen, their purpose, etc. for a period of about two weeks
    • Keep these simple, and don’t do daily readings for yourself because the Dark side can manipulate your cards.
    • If you do a reading for someone else, only let them shuffle the cards. Do not let them handle your cards otherwise; keep your energy exclusive to your tool
  • Pendulums perform in a similar way to give you information.
    • They bring the knowledge from the soul into a material thing.
    • YOU make the pendulum swing, not some external force (unless the Dark side interferes)
    • Program your pendulum, and keep your energy exclusive to your pendulum- don’t let others play with it.
    • Since this is outside of the self, you must put protection into place to prevent the Dark side from interfering
    • To clear negative energy, place it in Iodized table salt and water
  • Salt water is also useful for clearing negative energies pertaining to antiques, and the lifting will remove any spirits attached to any secondhand purchases. Mirrors can be portals, but you can ask the Band of Mercy to close any portals and remove anything that has come through it and place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever the Band deems necessary with them (with your niceties).


The Lifting

  • Band of Mercy
    • Made up of souls who have been Earthbound who have donated their time and energy on the other side to help those who are Earthbound
    • Upon prayer or request in the name of Jesus Christ, they will take people who are stuck into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate. They bring loved ones forth to help the Earthbound soul
    • You must never demand help from the Band of Mercy. Always politely ask for help.
    • If they are taken into protected sanctuary, they will eventually move into the Light. Protected sanctuary is in the Light, but serves as a spiritual halfway house for those who can’t quite cope with the concept of being out of their physical body (AKA “dead”), those who thought they were going to Hell, or those who didn’t believe in an “afterlife”
    • You only have the spiritual authority to ask for the Band to remove spirits that are attached to, affecting, or influencing you; are on your property; or that you are related to. You have the authority to ask the Band to offer help to other spirits, but it is their right to decide whether or not to accept the help.
    • It is important to always ask the Band to either take them into protected sanctuary or directly into the Light. By doing so, you ensure that they have the free will to choose which option they take. You must always give them the option to choose, but you can narrow their options down when you have the spiritual authority to do so.
    • People who commit suicide are particularly prone to becoming Earthbound, because they break spiritual law and commit self-murder, which we do not have the right to do.
      • The repercussion for breaking this spiritual law is that you become Earthbound, generally to the place were you died.
      • With suicides, there is heavy mourning and surviving family members generally feel that their family members are not well and are not safe (because they’re not well and not safe).
      • People who commit suicide will show up in dreams of loved ones asking for help, and generally don’t look okay.
      • In this scenario, a family member or very close loved one (if no family is available) would use the following prayer formula:
        • I would please ask the Band of Mercy to take (insert the person’s name and full address here) into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate, in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
      • How do you know they got into the Light? Visits stop, weird things in the house stop, dreams happen where the person looks young, happy, and healthy.
    • The Band of Mercy helps redeem souls back to God by physically removing them from the outer darkness and placing them into the Light or into protected sanctuary.
      • Living humans occupy the 1st-3rd dimensions
      • The outer darkness (where Earthbound souls are trapped) is the 4th Everything in the 4th dimension is as solid as is in the 3rd dimension.
  • Archangels & Angels
    • Four major Archangels exist, and many legions of angels under the Archangels. There are also many councils of angels
      • Uriel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel
      • Metatron is the Universal Archangel for our Universe
    • By calling upon the appropriate Archangel and/or Angel and their legions, you’re ensuring that you’re given the best possible assistance for your particular situation
  • B’Nai Or
    • The Great White Brotherhood, of which exists 70 different sects
    • They are not human and never have been, but serve as master spiritual teachers. They were Christ’s teachers
    • They have a great deal of authority, they can give you protection, and there’s a lot that they can take care of.
    • All of these groups recognize the resonance of their names and they also recognize the resonance of the names of God that provide them with authority.


Extra Resources

  • More information about the Angelics can be found in the Glossary of The Keys of Enoch, by J.J. Hurtak. However, if you’re not ready for the information, the words will appear as gibberish. When you’re ready for them, they will expand your consciousness and knowledge in a really, really cool ways.
  • Pistis Sophia is a lighter read than The Keys of Enoch, but still has wonderful information.
  • Communication with the Spirit World of God by Johannes Greber. Simple, yet very accurate information that has been verified by Carol through her spiritual work.

Soul Cleansing

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As much as we wish that everyone incarnated from the Light, it is possible to incarnate from the Outer Darkness. It is also possible for the soul to not seal completely at the body at birth. The negative effects of both of these situations can be remedied by saying the following prayer once.


This prayer has been known to produce healing results with true Autism (not Asperger’s Syndrome), Bipolar Disorder, and Sociopathic behavior. It’s better to say this prayer as early as possible in a person’s life, as patterns can be ingrained into a person as they age.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to take my soul (or the name and address of the person you’re saying the prayer for) into the Light while I am (they are) sleeping, cleanse it with Christed Light and Christed Truth, and then return it and seal it into my (their) body, as is appropriate through God, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, and Molds

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This can be used for infectious diseases. Use this daily for at least three days with diseases.


I would please ask the Legion of Pan to remove all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites, and molds from my body (or “body of” with the name street address, city, and state of the person who you have permission to pray for) and take them into the Light or do whatever is necessary with them, and remove all seeds, spores, particles, eggs, young, and negative residues and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them. I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

If you do not feel immediate relief with the prayer above, you should use the following formula.


I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy and/or the Interdimensional/Dimensional Legion of Pan to remove all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites, and molds from the appropriate realms and counter-realms from my body (or “body of” with the name street address, city, and state of the person who you have permission to pray for) and take them into the Light or do whatever is necessary with them, and remove all seeds, spores, particles, eggs, young, and negative residues and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them. I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask for divine spirit healers from the appropriate counter realms to remove all residue and perversions in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Past Life Attachments

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If you say the Daily Lifting but you still have human spirits attached to you, it is possible that they are from past lives. These must be called forth by name in the following manner:


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to remove whatever is attached to me (or the name and address of the person you have permission to pray for) from all past lives through present and take them into the Light or do whatever they deem necessary with them, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.

Annual Prayers

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All prayers should always be spoken aloud, with your palms facing up and outward and slightly to each side of the body. It is only necessary to state these prayers one time a year, preferably starting January 1st of every year.

I give my Guardian Angel permission to do whatever my Guardian Angel deems necessary to protect me and all I have authority over; and I thank thee.

If I should pass, I would please ask the Band of Mercy to be there to take me directly into the Light or place me in the appropriate sanctuary, allowing teachers, healers, and loved ones to work with me until I am ready to go into the Light. I ask this now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Praying a Loved One into the Light

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If you have a loved one that has passed, it is normal to wonder if they are at peace. You can use this on any loved one who has passed, but it is particularly useful if they have visited you while you are in dream state, looking unwell or asking for help. If they’ve gone into the Light, it will do no harm, but it will take them into the Light if they are stuck in the Outer Darkness. It’s important to never assume that your loved one went into the Light, as it is possible that they may not realize that they have passed.

You have permission to say this prayer over any family member, or very close friends if no family is available. If you were not related to the person who passed, you must obtain permission from a living family member.

You can use the address of where the person lived or died (always use street address, city, and state).


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of Loved One) who lived at (street address, city, and state of Loved One). I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and if (he/she) is willing be taken directly into the Light. If (he/she) is not willing I would ask that (he/she) be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light. If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


If the person is a friend and you cannot obtain permission to pray for them, the following formula would be appropriate. In this situation, you cannot force them to choose between the Light and protected sanctuary, but you can guarantee that they will be shown the Light and that they will be aware of the Light.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of friend) who lived at (street address, city, and state). I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and that (he/she) be shown the Light and made aware of the Light. If (he/she) is willing, I would please ask that (he/she) taken into the Light or be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light. If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Floating Protected Sanctuaries

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If you live in an area that is particularly spiritually active (near a battle ground, water, or near a vortex), it is a good idea to put into place a floating protected sanctuary. This will take care of most of the spirits that wander onto your property. This is not a replacement for the Daily Lifting, but is to be used in conjunction with the Lifting.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a floating protected sanctuary around myself, my home, and my property and I ask that it be perpetually cleansed, and that anything that is brought through be taken into appropriate protected sanctuary. I ask that this sanctuary be put into place for whatever amount of time is deemed appropriate through God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and thank thee.


This generally needs to be repeated once a year.

Easing the Death Process

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Losing a loved one can be a particularly difficult time, but there are a few members of God’s spirit community that can help ease the transition. Always use their full name and address (either permanent, or of the facility where they’re located temporarily).


For yourself, while your loved one is in transition:


You should ask your guides to comfort you, and you can ask for Divine Spirits of Peace, Serenity, and/or Tranquility to work with you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ.


It can also be helpful to use jade or angelite, if you feel led. Lepidolite with pink tourmaline works as a synergy to help ease and bring strength during transitions.


For your loved one in transition:


You should first ask for spirit healers to be with your loved one to remove any pain they may be in.


I would please ask spirit healers to be with (name and address of loved one) to remove any pain that he/she may experience in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


You also want to ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort them through the process and to take them into the Light when they pass.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort (name and address of loved one) during their transition, and when he/she is ready, take him/her either directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


It can be an extremely emotional time, but it is sometimes necessary to remind our loved ones that it is okay to pass on. Remind them that their loved ones will be waiting, that they will be taken into the Light or into sanctuary, and thank them for everything that they have done for you. Sometimes, being reminded that it is okay to pass on is all that is needed to save our loved ones from unnecessary pain and struggle.

Surgery Prayers

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Anesthesia leaves us wide open spiritually, but there are times in our lives when going under general anesthesia is medically necessary. Should you find yourself or a loved one in this situation, it is wise to say the following prayers.


Make sure to get the doctor’s name, the time of the procedure, and the address (floor and room if at all possible) of where the procedure will be taking place. If you’re praying for a friend or loved one, make sure to obtain their permission (if they are unable to give permission, then the closest relative- by blood or marriage- can give permission). If they’re under 13, you’ll need to obtain a parent’s permission.


It would be wise to say the daily lifting over yourself or the patient on a daily basis while you/they are on pain medication.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear all doctors and nurses, including (doctor’s name, anesthesiologist’s name, and any other names that you have) who will be performing my (or the name of whoever you’re praying for) procedure that will be taking place at (time of procedure) at (location of procedure), and take whatever was attached to them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be with myself (or with whomever you’re praying for) during the procedure to lessen pain and promote quick healing, and after the procedure to ensure that I (or they) heals and is whole and in the state that God originally intended thee to be. I ask this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear myself (or the name and location of the person you’re praying for) after the procedure of whatever might have attached to me (them), and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


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Suicides, even medically assisted suicides, are considered self-murder. Suicide breaks spiritual law and can cause you to be bound to the Earth plane for a specific period of time (usually until it is your natural time to go).

It’s very important to note that suicide is NOT a mental illness. Presenting suicide as a mental illness suggests that, if a parent or relative commits suicide, then there is a hereditary component in your DNA and that you are condemned to commit suicide as well. This is false. Chemicals, food allergies, bad programming from childhood, bullying, low self-esteem, painful mental and emotional ordeals, physical trauma can all contribute to a state of depression that leads to suicide. Spirit possession and demonic attack can lead to suicide as well, because the voices in the person’s head will tell them to end it, end their pain, or kill themselves.

If someone you love has committed suicide, you should first pray them into the Light using the following formula:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of loved one) who lived at (street address, city, and state of loved one). 

I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and if (he/she) is willing be taken directly into the Light. If (he/she) is not willing I would ask that (he/she) be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light.

If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


You should then say this prayer, as a means of removing the legacy of suicide from yourself. This can also be useful, in conjunction with the Daily Lifting, if you have ever experienced suicidal thoughts.

I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of suicide and the legacy of suicide from myself and my family (or the name and address of the person you have permission to pray for) now and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Emergency Situations

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Whether we like it or not, we can sometimes find ourselves in emergency situations. Knowing how to respond to these situations is absolutely vital, and the information outlined below is a great place to start.

The Band of Mercy

The Band of Mercy is composed of those souls who were once Earthbound, and who have donated their time in the Light to help others in similar situations. In extreme emergencies, when you are only able to call upon the Band of Mercy, they have the authority to remove demonic entities. For all non-emergency situations involving the demonic, you would refer to Archangel Michael and his legions.

If you are suddenly hit with sadness, anxiety, or any emotions or thoughts that are not yours, you should call upon the Band of Mercy as follows:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to remove whatever is attached to me now in the name of Jesus Christ and do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael and his legions have absolute authority over the demonic. If you see dark figures, or you feel afraid, or you feel that your situation is demonic, you should call upon Archangel Michael and his legions.

I would please ask the Archangel Michael and his Legions to remove all demonic entities, energies and influences, that are affecting, influencing or attached to me and all I have domain over now, in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into the appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee.

Commanding in the name of Jesus Christ

If you are being pestered by the demonic, if you have intruding thoughts, or if you feel irrationally afraid, it’s best to command whatever is bothering you out using the following formula

I command thee to leave now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Silver, Mirrored Egg

A mirrored egg works as a reflective barrier when you are being sent negative energy.

To use, you should visualize a silver, mirrored egg that totally encompasses you. There should be Christed white light inside, and the outside should be mirrored on the outside. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a silver, mirrored egg around myself that is mirrored on the outside, and filled with Christed light and Christed truth, and I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

If somebody is sending you witchcraft, like curses, spells or conjurations, or even just really negative directed thoughts, you can place them in an egg that is filled with Christed light and is mirrored on the inside and outside. This will turn their witchcraft on them, which tends to be a good lesson for them. This also lasts 12 hours.

Pink Bubble

A pink bubble is effective for toxic, negative, mean people in your life. It might be an over demanding boss, a friend with a bad temper, a bullying spouse or a coworker who constantly undermines you. It can also help deter an impending argument if you use it quickly enough. Pink is the color of pure love, and will calm someone down if you place him or her in it. You do not have to have their permission to place them inside a pink bubble.

To use, you should visualize a light pink bubble completely surrounding the person in question. Bubblegum and cotton candy pink are good colors to keep in mind during this visualization. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a bubblegum pink bubble around (the person in question) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

Golden Bubble

Golden bubbles tend to make you less noticeable to those around you. People tend to avert the energy, and this can protect you in potentially unsafe areas, and can protect your home and property while you are gone.

To use, you should visualize a subdued golden bubble completely surrounding you (or your home and property). Don’t think about shiny gold, as shiny gold will actually draw attention to you. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a subdued golden bubble around myself (or my home and property) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.