Category Archives: Prayers

Praying a Loved One into the Light

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If you have a loved one that has passed, it is normal to wonder if they are at peace. You can use this on any loved one who has passed, but it is particularly useful if they have visited you while you are in dream state, looking unwell or asking for help. If they’ve gone into the Light, it will do no harm, but it will take them into the Light if they are stuck in the Outer Darkness. It’s important to never assume that your loved one went into the Light, as it is possible that they may not realize that they have passed.

You have permission to say this prayer over any family member, or very close friends if no family is available. If you were not related to the person who passed, you must obtain permission from a living family member.

You can use the address of where the person lived or died (always use street address, city, and state).


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of Loved One) who lived at (street address, city, and state of Loved One). I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and if (he/she) is willing be taken directly into the Light. If (he/she) is not willing I would ask that (he/she) be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light. If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


If the person is a friend and you cannot obtain permission to pray for them, the following formula would be appropriate. In this situation, you cannot force them to choose between the Light and protected sanctuary, but you can guarantee that they will be shown the Light and that they will be aware of the Light.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of friend) who lived at (street address, city, and state). I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and that (he/she) be shown the Light and made aware of the Light. If (he/she) is willing, I would please ask that (he/she) taken into the Light or be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light. If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Food & Water Purification

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I call forth the energy, consciousness, and DNA/RNA of this (food or water), come forth. I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to be pure and free of all poisons, toxins, and chemicals and to return back to the state as God originally intended thee to be. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Be pure in the name of Jesus Christ.


I call forth the energy, consciousness, and DNA/RNA of this (food or water), come forth. I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to be pure and free of all poisons, toxins, and chemicals and to return back to the state as God originally intended thee to be. I infuse thee with the white light of Christ through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Be pure in the name of Jesus Christ.

Floating Protected Sanctuaries

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If you live in an area that is particularly spiritually active (near a battle ground, water, or near a vortex), it is a good idea to put into place a floating protected sanctuary. This will take care of most of the spirits that wander onto your property. This is not a replacement for the Daily Lifting, but is to be used in conjunction with the Lifting.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a floating protected sanctuary around myself, my home, and my property and I ask that it be perpetually cleansed, and that anything that is brought through be taken into appropriate protected sanctuary. I ask that this sanctuary be put into place for whatever amount of time is deemed appropriate through God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and thank thee.


This generally needs to be repeated once a year.

Easing the Death Process

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Losing a loved one can be a particularly difficult time, but there are a few members of God’s spirit community that can help ease the transition. Always use their full name and address (either permanent, or of the facility where they’re located temporarily).


For yourself, while your loved one is in transition:


You should ask your guides to comfort you, and you can ask for Divine Spirits of Peace, Serenity, and/or Tranquility to work with you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ.


It can also be helpful to use jade or angelite, if you feel led. Lepidolite with pink tourmaline works as a synergy to help ease and bring strength during transitions.


For your loved one in transition:


You should first ask for spirit healers to be with your loved one to remove any pain they may be in.


I would please ask spirit healers to be with (name and address of loved one) to remove any pain that he/she may experience in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


You also want to ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort them through the process and to take them into the Light when they pass.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to comfort (name and address of loved one) during their transition, and when he/she is ready, take him/her either directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary, as is deemed appropriate, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I thank thee.


It can be an extremely emotional time, but it is sometimes necessary to remind our loved ones that it is okay to pass on. Remind them that their loved ones will be waiting, that they will be taken into the Light or into sanctuary, and thank them for everything that they have done for you. Sometimes, being reminded that it is okay to pass on is all that is needed to save our loved ones from unnecessary pain and struggle.

Surgery Prayers

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Anesthesia leaves us wide open spiritually, but there are times in our lives when going under general anesthesia is medically necessary. Should you find yourself or a loved one in this situation, it is wise to say the following prayers.


Make sure to get the doctor’s name, the time of the procedure, and the address (floor and room if at all possible) of where the procedure will be taking place. If you’re praying for a friend or loved one, make sure to obtain their permission (if they are unable to give permission, then the closest relative- by blood or marriage- can give permission). If they’re under 13, you’ll need to obtain a parent’s permission.


It would be wise to say the daily lifting over yourself or the patient on a daily basis while you/they are on pain medication.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear all doctors and nurses, including (doctor’s name, anesthesiologist’s name, and any other names that you have) who will be performing my (or the name of whoever you’re praying for) procedure that will be taking place at (time of procedure) at (location of procedure), and take whatever was attached to them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be with myself (or with whomever you’re praying for) during the procedure to lessen pain and promote quick healing, and after the procedure to ensure that I (or they) heals and is whole and in the state that God originally intended thee to be. I ask this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear myself (or the name and location of the person you’re praying for) after the procedure of whatever might have attached to me (them), and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


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Enochians (E-Noch-You-Ins) are fallen Holy Sephiroths that were bound and perverted, against their will. This was done through the misuse of the magic of the Keys of Enoch by ancient priests, primarily Atlantean and Egyptian. The Keys of Enoch were turned into what is now known as Enochian magic, which goes against God. Holy Sephiroths are creator angels, so fallen Holy Sephiroths (Enochians) are focused on destruction. Because of their high nature, Enochian entities will not be removed by the daily lifting.


Enochian infestations can sometimes begin with the arrival a black egg that cracks open and glows red, although this will not always be seen.


The physical symptoms of an Enochian attack are as follows. You do not have to experience all of the symptoms for it to be an Enochian attack, but the symptoms can range anywhere from headaches to (what appears to be) spinal meningitis. If you experience a headache similar to what is described below, it is wise to use the prayer formula as soon as possible.

  • A band, 2 inches wide, located above the eyes, above the ears, all the way around the head will appear and begin to tighten. Headaches will begin.
  • This headache will create electrical nerve pain that shoots down the back of the neck into the shoulders.
  • A high fever can develop, 103-105*F is common.
  • All of the symptoms of spinal meningitis can present, including convulsions
  • Death can occur


To remove an Enochian, use the following formula. After using this formula, all symptoms will be instantly gone.

I would please ask the Archangel Raphael and his legions to remove all Enochians and their residue from me now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary, and I thank thee.

After using the Enochian formula, you state the following out loud so that they cannot and will not return:

All Enochians I have bound, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I ask for forgiveness, and in turn, I forgive all Enochians, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Emergency Situations

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Whether we like it or not, we can sometimes find ourselves in emergency situations. Knowing how to respond to these situations is absolutely vital, and the information outlined below is a great place to start.

The Band of Mercy

The Band of Mercy is composed of those souls who were once Earthbound, and who have donated their time in the Light to help others in similar situations. In extreme emergencies, when you are only able to call upon the Band of Mercy, they have the authority to remove demonic entities. For all non-emergency situations involving the demonic, you would refer to Archangel Michael and his legions.

If you are suddenly hit with sadness, anxiety, or any emotions or thoughts that are not yours, you should call upon the Band of Mercy as follows:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to remove whatever is attached to me now in the name of Jesus Christ and do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael and his legions have absolute authority over the demonic. If you see dark figures, or you feel afraid, or you feel that your situation is demonic, you should call upon Archangel Michael and his legions.

I would please ask the Archangel Michael and his Legions to remove all demonic entities, energies and influences, that are affecting, influencing or attached to me and all I have domain over now, in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into the appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee.

Commanding in the name of Jesus Christ

If you are being pestered by the demonic, if you have intruding thoughts, or if you feel irrationally afraid, it’s best to command whatever is bothering you out using the following formula

I command thee to leave now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Silver, Mirrored Egg

A mirrored egg works as a reflective barrier when you are being sent negative energy.

To use, you should visualize a silver, mirrored egg that totally encompasses you. There should be Christed white light inside, and the outside should be mirrored on the outside. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a silver, mirrored egg around myself that is mirrored on the outside, and filled with Christed light and Christed truth, and I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

If somebody is sending you witchcraft, like curses, spells or conjurations, or even just really negative directed thoughts, you can place them in an egg that is filled with Christed light and is mirrored on the inside and outside. This will turn their witchcraft on them, which tends to be a good lesson for them. This also lasts 12 hours.

Pink Bubble

A pink bubble is effective for toxic, negative, mean people in your life. It might be an over demanding boss, a friend with a bad temper, a bullying spouse or a coworker who constantly undermines you. It can also help deter an impending argument if you use it quickly enough. Pink is the color of pure love, and will calm someone down if you place him or her in it. You do not have to have their permission to place them inside a pink bubble.

To use, you should visualize a light pink bubble completely surrounding the person in question. Bubblegum and cotton candy pink are good colors to keep in mind during this visualization. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a bubblegum pink bubble around (the person in question) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

Golden Bubble

Golden bubbles tend to make you less noticeable to those around you. People tend to avert the energy, and this can protect you in potentially unsafe areas, and can protect your home and property while you are gone.

To use, you should visualize a subdued golden bubble completely surrounding you (or your home and property). Don’t think about shiny gold, as shiny gold will actually draw attention to you. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a subdued golden bubble around myself (or my home and property) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

Divine Spirits of Justice

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It is very important not to use this prayer lightly, and without great thought and consideration. If you are in the wrong in the situation and ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intervene, this prayer may affect you more than the other party.

If this is a legal situation, it is helpful to provide the names and addresses of the attorneys, the other party, the judge, and the address and time of the court proceeding with as much detail as possible where the name and address fits into the formula.

I would please ask Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede and intervene for me with (name, street address, city, and state of person or situation) to do whatever they deem appropriate now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

If the person in question has committed egregious acts, out of pure spite and meanness, it is appropriate to include the phrase “due to egregious acts” as follows.


I would please ask Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede and intervene for me due to all egregious acts with (name, street address, city, and state of person or situation) to do whatever they deem appropriate now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


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Vexation: something that causes annoyance, frustration, or worry.


While in twilight (just before falling asleep and just after waking), negative thoughts, emotions may nag you and cause you to feel guilty about a person or a situation. This negativity is not yours, but has been sent to you by the dark side.


These vexations can be stopped by speaking the following prayer aloud. The prayer will not work if you have spirit attachments, so you need to say the daily lifting first.


I would please ask for forgiveness for all the sins I have committed knowingly and unknowingly in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Bound Spirits

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Spirits who are trapped in the Outer Darkness and who have become servants of Satan are referred to as bound spirits. These are human souls who messed with the demonic, who delved into dark magic, who sold their souls to the Devil or otherwise bound themselves to the demonic in their lifetimes; when they left their physical body, the dark side collected their debt.


The Daily Lifting does not remove bound spirits. The usual Band of Mercy can’t assist because they’re human souls who bound themselves to the demonic, while Archangel Michael doesn’t have authority over them because they’re not truly demons. You would need to call upon the Glory Band of Mercy to remove these souls. The Glory Band of Mercy consists of human souls who were once servants of Satan but have been redeemed back to God; they have chosen to spend their time in Heaven assisting others in similar situations as members of the Glory Band.


To call upon the Glory Band of Mercy, you would use the following prayer formula:


I would please ask the Glory Band of Mercy to remove whatever spirits they have domain over now that are attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, my mate, my family, my pets, my home and property, and all that I have domain over now, and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.